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    Image colors (base and by pixel; palette)

    Quick start

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
        <title>Sample [@jzucen/image-color-js]</title>
        <script src="path/to/dist/image-color-js.js"></script>
        <script src="index.js"></script>
    ((addEventListener, imageColor) => {
      addEventListener('load', () => {
        imageColor.loadImage('image-url or base64-encoded-image')
          .then(image => {
            const imageData = imageColor.getImageData(image);
            const palette = imageColor.getPalette(imageData);
          .catch(error => {
            document.body.innerHTML = `<pre>${error}</pre>`;
            throw error;
    })(window.addEventListener, window.ImageColorJs);


    Global settings - changing them will affect the operation of all functions if the required local values ​​are not passed to them as parameters.

    Constant/property/method Description
    Integer<1…255> colorSimilarity The degree of similarity of colors for combining. The smaller, the more accurate the palette.
    Object colorExcludes Options for excluding colors from the palette: { ?Float<0…1> alpha, ?Float<0…1> black, ?Float<0…1> white }
    ?Float<0…1>|undefined excludeByAlpha Exclude a color from the palette if its alpha channel value is less than the specified value.
    ?Float<0…1>|undefined excludeByBlack Exclude a color from the palette if its percentage of similarity to black exceeds this value.
    ?Float<0…1>|undefined excludeByWhite Exclude a color from the palette if its percentage of similarity to white exceeds this value.
    Integer<1…255> paletteSize Palette size.
    [static] String EXCLUDE_ALPHA The name of the property (alpha) in the colorExcludes object to exclude color from the alpha channel.
    [static] String EXCLUDE_BLACK The name of the property (black) in the colorExcludes object to exclude color based on similarity to black.
    [static] String EXCLUDE_WHITE The name of the property (white) in the colorExcludes object to exclude color based on similarity to white.
    [static] Object DEFAULTS Default values for colorSimilarity, colorExcludes and paletteSize.
    self copy () Create a full copy of this object.
    Object get() Get all settings (colorSimilarity, colorExcludes and paletteSize) as object.
    this reset () Reset all settings to default values.
    this resetColorSimilarity () Reset colorSimilarity to default value.
    this resetColorExcludes () Reset colorExcludes to default value.
    this resetPaletteSize () Reset paletteSize to default value.
    this setColorSimilarity (Integer<1…255> value) Set new value of colorSimilarity.
    this setColorExcludes (?Object value) Set new value of colorExcludes (all empty, if undefined).
    this setExcludeByAlpha (?Float<0…1> value) Set new value of colorExcludes.alpha.
    this setExcludeByBlack (?Float<0…1> value) Set new value of colorExcludes.black.
    this setExcludeByWhite (?Float<0…1> value) Set new value of colorExcludes.white.
    this setPaletteSize (Integer<1…255> value) Set new value of paletteSize.
    // New value for color exclusion: all by default, for white - its own value.
    const excludes = imageColor.options.copy().reset().setExcludeByWhite(0.5).colorExcludes;


    async Image|HTMLImageElement loadImage (String image)
    ImageData getImageData (Image|HTMLImageElement image)
    ColorRGB getPixelColor (ImageData imageData, ?Integer left, ?Integer top)
    Array<ColorInfo> getPalette (ImageData imageData, ?Integer left, ?Integer top, ?Integer width, ?Integer height, ?Integer<1…255> size, ?Object excludes)
    ColorRGB getImageColor (ImageData imageData, ?Integer left, ?Integer top, ?Integer width, ?Integer height, ?Object excludes)
    ColorRGB getDominantColor (ImageData imageData, ?Integer left, ?Integer top, ?Integer width, ?Integer height, ?Object excludes)


    • loadImage() is part of node-canvas package;
    • if left/top undefined - they will be equal to minimal allowed;
    • if width/height undefined - they will be equal to maximal allowed;
    • if size undefined - it will be equal to options.paletteSize;
    • if excludes undefined - it will be equal to options.colorExcludes;
    • ColorRGB - object from @jzucen/colors-js library;
    • ColorInfo - object { ColorRGB color, Integer count };
    • getDominantColor() is alias to getImageColor().
    // All parameters left/top/width/height/size are default
    const palette = imageColor.getPalette(imageData, ...Array(5), excludes);

    Built-in sample

    # build docker & go inside it
    make vm-build
    # or: docker-compose build
    make vm-up
    # or: docker-compose up --detach
    make vm-console
    # or: docker exec -u 1000:1000 --env HOME=/var/www -it image-color-js-node bash
    # prepare scripts/styles/images in public directory
    make public
    # exit & stop docker
    make vm-down
    # or: docker-compose down --volumes
    # open "public/index.html" in browser


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