4 месяца назад
Image colors (base and by pixel; palette)
Quick start
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Sample [@jzucen/image-color-js]</title>
<script src="path/to/dist/image-color-js.js"></script>
<script src="index.js"></script>
((addEventListener, imageColor) => {
addEventListener('load', () => {
imageColor.loadImage('image-url or base64-encoded-image')
.then(image => {
const imageData = imageColor.getImageData(image);
const palette = imageColor.getPalette(imageData);
.catch(error => {
document.body.innerHTML = `<pre>${error}</pre>`;
throw error;
})(window.addEventListener, window.ImageColorJs);
Global settings - changing them will affect the operation of all functions if the required local values are not passed to them as parameters.
Constant/property/method | Description |
Integer<1…255> colorSimilarity | The degree of similarity of colors for combining. The smaller, the more accurate the palette. |
Object colorExcludes | Options for excluding colors from the palette: { ?Float<0…1> alpha, ?Float<0…1> black, ?Float<0…1> white } |
?Float<0…1>|undefined excludeByAlpha | Exclude a color from the palette if its alpha channel value is less than the specified value. |
?Float<0…1>|undefined excludeByBlack | Exclude a color from the palette if its percentage of similarity to black exceeds this value. |
?Float<0…1>|undefined excludeByWhite | Exclude a color from the palette if its percentage of similarity to white exceeds this value. |
Integer<1…255> paletteSize | Palette size. |
[static] String EXCLUDE_ALPHA | The name of the property (alpha ) in the colorExcludes object to exclude color from the alpha channel. |
[static] String EXCLUDE_BLACK | The name of the property (black ) in the colorExcludes object to exclude color based on similarity to black. |
[static] String EXCLUDE_WHITE | The name of the property (white ) in the colorExcludes object to exclude color based on similarity to white. |
[static] Object DEFAULTS | Default values for colorSimilarity , colorExcludes and paletteSize . |
self copy () | Create a full copy of this object. |
Object get() | Get all settings (colorSimilarity , colorExcludes and paletteSize ) as object. |
this reset () | Reset all settings to default values. |
this resetColorSimilarity () | Reset colorSimilarity to default value. |
this resetColorExcludes () | Reset colorExcludes to default value. |
this resetPaletteSize () | Reset paletteSize to default value. |
this setColorSimilarity (Integer<1…255> value) | Set new value of colorSimilarity . |
this setColorExcludes (?Object value) | Set new value of colorExcludes (all empty, if undefined). |
this setExcludeByAlpha (?Float<0…1> value) | Set new value of colorExcludes.alpha . |
this setExcludeByBlack (?Float<0…1> value) | Set new value of colorExcludes.black . |
this setExcludeByWhite (?Float<0…1> value) | Set new value of colorExcludes.white . |
this setPaletteSize (Integer<1…255> value) | Set new value of paletteSize . |
// New value for color exclusion: all by default, for white - its own value.
const excludes = imageColor.options.copy().reset().setExcludeByWhite(0.5).colorExcludes;
Function |
async Image|HTMLImageElement loadImage (String image) |
ImageData getImageData (Image|HTMLImageElement image) |
ColorRGB getPixelColor (ImageData imageData, ?Integer left, ?Integer top) |
Array<ColorInfo> getPalette (ImageData imageData, ?Integer left, ?Integer top, ?Integer width, ?Integer height, ?Integer<1…255> size, ?Object excludes) |
ColorRGB getImageColor (ImageData imageData, ?Integer left, ?Integer top, ?Integer width, ?Integer height, ?Object excludes) |
ColorRGB getDominantColor (ImageData imageData, ?Integer left, ?Integer top, ?Integer width, ?Integer height, ?Object excludes) |
is part of node-canvas package;- if
undefined - they will be equal to minimal allowed; - if
undefined - they will be equal to maximal allowed; - if
undefined - it will be equal tooptions.paletteSize
; - if
undefined - it will be equal tooptions.colorExcludes
; ColorRGB
- object from @jzucen/colors-js library;ColorInfo
- object{ ColorRGB color, Integer count }
is alias togetImageColor()
// All parameters left/top/width/height/size are default
const palette = imageColor.getPalette(imageData, ...Array(5), excludes);
Built-in sample
# build docker & go inside it
make vm-build
# or: docker-compose build
make vm-up
# or: docker-compose up --detach
make vm-console
# or: docker exec -u 1000:1000 --env HOME=/var/www -it image-color-js-node bash
# prepare scripts/styles/images in public directory
make public
# exit & stop docker
make vm-down
# or: docker-compose down --volumes
# open "public/index.html" in browser
Image colors (base and by pixel)
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