Colors (RGB, HSL, objects & converters)

    JS-analogue of PHP-library jzucen/colors-php.


    Colors models

    Colors models are presented in scripts ./color/<model>.js and have names like Color<MODEL>. Each model’s constructor takes color components (in the same order as in the abbreviation/table) and an optional alpha channel (defaulting to 1). Each class has parent abstract class AbstractColor stored in script ./color/abstract.js.

    Common constants/preperties/methods

    Common constants/preperties/methods Description
    [static] readonly object MAXIMALS Maximal values for each component (minimal is always 0)
    [static] readonly string MODEL_NAME Color model name (RGB for ColorRGB etc)
    [static] readonly string FUNC_NAME Function name (rgb for ColorRGB etc)
    [static] readonly RegExp MATCH_REGEXP Regular expression to test incoming formula value
    readonly string name Returns color model’s name (class name)
    object toObject () Returns object with all components and its values
    static self fromObject (object object) The inverse function of toObject
    string toFunc () Returns function-view - something like: rgb(…) etc
    static self fromFunc (string func) Returns color instance by its function-view
    object differenceFrom (self color) Calculate differences between this and an other color (in %)

    ColorCMYK interface

    Class ColorCMYK Description
    readonly number cyan Cyan component in range [0…100]
    readonly number magenta Magenta component in range [0…100]
    readonly number yellow Yellow component in range [0…100]
    readonly number black Black component in range [0…100]
    readonly number alpha Alpha channel in range [0…1]
    self setCyan (number value) Changes cyan component and returns new color
    self setMagenta (number value) Changes magenta component and returns new color
    self setYellow (number value) Changes yellow component and returns new color
    self setBlack (number value) Changes black component and returns new color
    self setAlpha (number value) Changes alpha channel and returns new color

    ColorHSB interface

    Class ColorHSB Description
    readonly number hue Hue component in range [0…360]
    readonly number saturation Saturation component in range [0…1]
    readonly number brightness Brightness component in range [0…1]
    readonly number alpha Alpha channel in range [0…1]
    self setHue (number value) Changes hue component and returns new color
    self setSaturation (number value) Changes saturation component and returns new color
    self setBrightness (number value) Changes brightness component and returns new color
    self setAlpha (number value) Changes alpha channel and returns new color

    ColorHSL interface

    Class ColorHSL Description
    readonly number hue Hue component in range [0…360]
    readonly number saturation Saturation component in range [0…1]
    readonly number lightness Lightness component in range [0…1]
    readonly number alpha Alpha channel in range [0…1]
    self setHue (number value) Changes hue component and returns new color
    self setSaturation (number value) Changes saturation component and returns new color
    self setLightness (number value) Changes lightness component and returns new color
    self setAlpha (number value) Changes alpha channel and returns new color

    ColorRGB interface

    Class ColorRGB Description
    readonly number red Red component in range [0…255]
    readonly number green Green component in range [0…255]
    readonly number blue Blue component in range [0…255]
    readonly number alpha Alpha channel in range [0…1]
    self setRed (number value) Changes red component and returns new color
    self setGreen (number value) Changes green component and returns new color
    self setBlue (number value) Changes blue component and returns new color
    self setAlpha (number value) Changes alpha channel and returns new color
    string toHex () Converts to hexadecimal string (#RRGGB or #RRGGBBAA)
    string toWeb () Converts to web-color string (Maroon, Pink etc)
    static self fromHex (string hex) Creates color model instance from hexadecimal string
    static self fromWeb (string name) Creates color by name (Black, Alice Blue etc)

    Hexadecimal and named web colors

    The ./color/hex.js module exports an object containing methods for converting RGBHEX and back.

    The ./color/web.js module exports an object with named colors. The RGB color can be obtained from these names using ColorRGB.fromWeb() method (in which names are not case-sensitive and are not space/dash/underscore separators). The list of these colors is taken from wiki-page: SVG Version of X11 color names.

    Common constants/properties

    Common constants/properties Description
    [static] readonly string MODEL_NAME Model name
    [static] readonly RegExp MATCH_REGEXP Regular expression to test incoming string value
    readonly string name Class name

    ColorHEX interface

    Instance hexColors of ColorHEX Description
    string fromRgb (object rgb) Returns HEX by RGB (see object format for toRgb()
    object toRgb (string hex) Returns object like { red: …, green: …, blue: …, alpha: … }

    ColorWEB interface

    Instance webColors of ColorWEB Description
    readonly object colors All known colors: { <color name>: <hex-value>, … }
    array<string> aliases (string name) Color aliases; sample "magenta"["magenta", "fuchsia"]
    string toHex (string name) Returns HEX color by its web-name
    string fromHex (string hex) Returns color name by HEX value
    string normalizeName (string name) Converts something like Alice Bluealiceblue etc
    string denormalizeName (string name) Converts name back: aliceblueAlice Blue

    Web/hex colors sample

    import ColorRGB from 'path/to/lib/color/rgb.js';
    console.log(ColorRGB.fromWeb('Alice Blue'));
    // Defined as: "aliceblue"
    // Equals to: "#f0f8ff" = "rgb(240, 248, 255)"
    // Console: ▶ ColorRGB {#red: 240, #green: 248, #blue: 255, #alpha: 1}

    Colors factory

    Instance colorsFactory of class ColorsFactory from ./color/factory.js allows to get instance of color model by string/object:

    • by formula: 'hsl(180, 0.25, 0.75)' etc;
    • by hexadecimal value: '#192837', '#a2b4c6fe' etc;
    • by web name: 'Corn Silk', 'Dark Green' etc.
    • by object: { red: 1, green: 2, blue: 3 } etc

    You can substitute percentages ("10%" etc.) as values ​​in the formula

    • they will be automatically converted to the required numerical values ​​based on the MAXIMALS color model constant.

    Factory interface

    Constant/Method Description
    [static] readonly string CMYK General name for model CMYK
    [static] readonly string FUNC General name for functional view
    [static] readonly string HEX General name for hexadecimal view
    [static] readonly string HSB General name for model HSB
    [static] readonly string HSL General name for model HSL
    [static] readonly string OBJ General name for object view
    [static] readonly string RGB General name for model RGB
    [static] readonly string WEB General name for web-named view
    [static] readonly AbstractColor[] colors All known colors
    [static] readonly ColorHEX hexColors Instance of ColorHEX
    [static] readonly ColorWEB webColors Instance of ColorWEB
    string alias (string name) Getting a general name by its alias
    AbstractColor get (string|object|AbstractColor input) Expects input string/object and creates color by it

    Model names’ aliases

    Each model name has aliases. All names are case insensitive. All of them can be used as target model name in the main converter.

    ColorCMYK ColorFUNC ColorHEX ColorHSB ColorHSL ColorOBJ ColorRGB ColorWEB

    Factory sample

    import colorsFactory from 'path/to/lib/color/factory.js';
    try {
      console.log(colorsFactory.get([12, 34, 56, 78]));
    } catch (error) {
      // ColorsError: Type of "input" should be "string" but "array" given
    // ▶ ColorCMYK {#cyan: 12, #magenta: 34, #yellow: 56, #black: 78, #alpha: 1}
    // ▶ ColorRGB {#red: 254, #green: 220, #blue: 186, #alpha: 1}
    console.log(colorsFactory.get('Dark Cyan'));
    // ▶ ColorRGB {#red: 0, #green: 139, #blue: 139, #alpha: 1}
    console.log(colorsFactory.get({ red: 1, blue: 2, green: 3 }));
    // ▶ ColorRGB {#red: 1, #green: 3, #blue: 2, #alpha: 1}
    try {
      console.log(colorsFactory.get('no such color'));
    } catch (error) {
      // ColorsError: Container "ColorWEB" does not have a property equal to "nosuchcolor"
    try {
    } catch (error) {
      // ColorsError: Unable to detect handler for input "123"

    Conversion performers

    Conversion performers are presented in scripts ./converter/<source>-to-<target>.js and have names like <Source>To<Target>Converter. Each class has parent abstract class AbstractConverter stored in script ./converter/abstract.js.

    Converters interface

    Common preperties and methods Description
    [static] readonly AbstractColor SourceClass Source color model’ class
    [static] readonly AbstractColor TargetClass Target color model’ class
    [static] readonly class-string<AbstractColor> SOURCE Proxy for
    [static] readonly class-string<AbstractColor> TARGET Proxy for
    static string getName (class-string<AbstractColor> source, class-string<AbstractColor> target) Constructs converter name like Source->Target
    readonly string name Returns converter name created with getName ()
    object toObject () Returns object { source, target }
    TargetClass process (SourceClass color) Performing the conversion

    Converters registry

    Exports as single instance from ./converter/registry.js.

    The converter registry contains a list of built-in converters (links between color models). This allows you to create a directed graph and use it to find the shortest path for converting color between models that do not have one explicit link.

    The implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm is taken (and refactored) from the dijkstrajs library repository.

    The registry also allows you to register your own converters, replacing and/or supplementing the built-in ones.

    The registry is an iterable object, so you can use the code:

    import registry from 'path/to/lib/src/converter/registry.js';
    for (const converter of registry) { /* … */ }

    where converter is another converter known to the registry.

    Registry interface

    Method/Property Description
    this add (AbstractConverter converter) Register new converter (add or replace)
    AbstractConverter getByName (string name) Get converter from list by its name got by
    AbstractConverter getByPath (class-string<AbstractColor> source, class-string<AbstractColor> target) Get converter from list by names of source and target color models
    string getConverterName (class-string<AbstractColor> source, class-string<AbstractColor> target) Proxy to AbstractConverter.getName()
    int length Count of known converters (list’ length)
    array<AbstractConverter> list () List of known converters
    object graph () Graph - object like: { <source1>: { <target1>: 1, <target2>: 1 } }
    array<AbstractConverter> chain (class-string<AbstractColor> source, class-string<AbstractColor> target) Ordered list of converters to convert color from source to target

    Converters’ facade

    Exports as single instance from ./converter.js.

    Facade interface

    Method/Constant/Property Description
    [static] readonly string CMYK Proxy to ColorsFactory.CMYK
    [static] readonly string FUNC Proxy to ColorsFactory.FUNC
    [static] readonly string HEX Proxy to ColorsFactory.HEX
    [static] readonly string HSB Proxy to ColorsFactory.HSB
    [static] readonly string HSL Proxy to ColorsFactory.HSL
    [static] readonly string OBJ Proxy to ColorsFactory.OBJ
    [static] readonly string RGB Proxy to ColorsFactory.RGB
    [static] readonly string WEB Proxy to ColorsFactory.WEB
    string|object|AbstractColor process (string|object|AbstractColor color, class-string<AbstractColor>|string target) Converts source to target
    AbstractColor createColor (string|object|AbstractColor color) Proxy to ColorsFactory.get()
    string getModelByAlias (string alias) Proxy to ColorsFactory.alias()
    this register (AbstractConverter converter) Proxy to ConvertersRegistry.add()
    AbstractConverter getByName (string name) Proxy to ConvertersRegistry.getByName()
    AbstractConverter getByPath (class-string<AbstractColor> source, class-string<AbstractColor> target) Proxy to ConvertersRegistry.getByPath()
    array<AbstractConverter> list () Proxy to ConvertersRegistry.list()
    object graph () Proxy to ConvertersRegistry.graph()
    array<AbstractConverter> chain (class-string<AbstractColor> source, class-string<AbstractColor> target) Proxy to ConvertersRegistry.chain()

    For process():

    • source should be a color instance or a string with functional, hexadecimal or web-named name;
    • target should be a string cotaining color class name or be a some constant from ColorsFactory (see Model names’ aliases);
    • result will be a color instance, a string with functional, hexadecimal or web-named value or an object.

    Available direct conversions


    All other conversions are performed by a chain of direct converters defined by Dijkstra’s algorithm.


    Magenta arrows are conversions with built-in in registry converters; Cyan arrows - with internal methods of color models.

    Facade sample

    import colorsConverter from 'path/to/lib/converter.js';
    import ColorCMYK from 'path/to/lib/color/cmyk.js';
    import ColorRGB from 'path/to/lib/color/rgb.js';
    console.log(colorsConverter.process(new ColorCMYK(20, 40, 50, 80),;
    // ▶ ColorRGB {#red: 40.79999999999999, #green: 30.599999999999994, #blue: 25.499999999999993, #alpha: 1}
    console.log(colorsConverter.process('#c080c0', 'ColorRGB'));
    // ▶ ColorRGB {#red: 192, #green: 128, #blue: 192, #alpha: 1}
    console.log(colorsConverter.process(new ColorCMYK(30, 40, 50, 60), 'HSL'));
    // ▶ ColorHSL {#hue: 30, #saturation: 0.16666666666666669, #lightness: 0.24000000000000002, #alpha: 1}
    console.log(colorsConverter.process('Fuchsia', colorsConverter.CMYK));
    // ▶ ColorCMYK {#cyan: 0, #magenta: 100, #yellow: 0, #black: 0, #alpha: 1}
    console.log(colorsConverter.process({ red: 10, green: 20, blue: 30 }, 'cmyk'));
    // ▶ ColorCMYK {#cyan: 66.66666666666667, #magenta: 33.333333333333336, #yellow: 0, #black: 88.23529411764706, #alpha: 1}
    console.log(colorsConverter.process('#123456', 'object'));
    // ▶ {red: 18, green: 52, blue: 86, alpha: 1}

    Entry point

    Script lib/entry.js exports 3 objects:

    Object: type and name
    ColorsConverter converter
    ColorsFactory factory
    ConvertersRegistry registry


    With distributable script

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
        <title>Sample [@jzucen/colors-js]</title>
        <script src="path/to/dist/colors-js.js"></script>
          const source = ColorsJs.converter.createColor('#123456'); // or: ColorsJs.factory.get('#123456')
          const target = ColorsJs.converter.CMYK; // or: 'cmyk' etc
          const result = ColorsJs.converter.process(source, target);
          console.log(source.toObject(), target, result.toObject());

    Built-in sample with ES6

    # Clone the repository and navigate to its folder:
    git clone
    cd colors-js
    # Build, run Docker and go to its console:
    make vm-build
    make vm-up
    make vm-console
    # or copy and paste these commands from the Makefile if you don't have the make utility;
    # do not use "@/usr/bin/env" unless your OS is Linux.
    # Now you are in the Docker console and the following commands are executed in it.
    # Start local server
    make server
    # Look at the URLs after the "Available on" line and open one of them in your browser.
    # When finished, press "Ctrl+C" to stop the server.
    # Exit the docker console:
    # Now you are in the main host console and the following commands are executed in it.
    # Stop docker:
    make vm-down


    Colors in Wiki

    Color converters online

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