EOOS Safe Projects

EOOS copyrights reserved in Rospatent Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Russian Federation

This is super repository of all the EOOS Safe projects and main entry point to build user applications based on an exact EOOS API version for all the platforms.

EOOS Safe is a set of C++ libraries for different hardware platforms and operating systems to develop cross-platform applications in automotive sphere.

The libraries are developed in C++98 programming language (ISO/IEC 14882:1998) and support features of C++11 programming language (ISO/IEC 14882:2011), which allows to consider wide criteria when selecting a suitable programming language on initiation step of product development.

EOOS Safe is developed within ISO C++ standards, complied with MISRA C++:2008 and AUTOSAR C++14 Coding Guidelines, and relies on ISO 26262 that means applications based on EOOS can be used in critical and safety-related systems.

For present, EOOS Safe is available for POSIX, WIN32 and FreeRTOS APIs of operating systems and has Sample Applications for fast start developing new user applications.

This super repository combines only the POSIX and WIN32 API git repositories. The FreeRTOS git repositories are not here, as they belong to exactly MCU architecture and HW board design. But nevertheless, EOOS API for all the systems is absolutely the same.

Quality of EOOS Safe:

  • MISRA C++ and AUTOSAR C++: 0 violations
  • Unit Tests coverage: more than 99% for POSIX and 98% for WIN32

Getting Started

For Users

This chapter describes a way how to start developing your own application based on EOOS.

And before you start, we want you to know that EOOS is not one project which can be built for a platform based on some compiler global defines – no, EOOS has deep elaborated projects each for exactly one platform. These projects are included as git submodules and have well defined modularity that means each EOOS project contains software modules included as git submodules as well.

Thus, before you start to develop your first application, you have to build an appropriate EOOS project for a operating system you would like to develop your product.

Obtain Git Repository

This chapter describes common approach for a system terminal, which can be different depending on operating system you use. And to generalize the approach here, we will give examples for Bash that can be executed on Windows and on Linux.

1. Create an empty directory somewhere on your disk

For instance we will create REPOSITORY directory.

2. Clone this repository

For instance we will clone it to EOOS directory by SSH.

REPOSITORY$ git clone --branch master EOOS
3. Initialize and update all submodules for the repository recursively

As we mentioned above, this super repository contains sub-repositories, and the sub-repositories also contain sub-repositories. Therefore --recursive key must be passed to the git command line.

REPOSITORY/EOOS$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Repository Structure

This super repository consists of projects located in the directory of the same name. These projects included to the super repository as git submodules. The structure and short description are given below.

└── projects/
    ├── eoos-if-posix
    ├── eoos-if-win32
    └── eoos-sample-applications

Build EOOS Project

Before developing your own application based on EOOS, you have to build an appropriate EOOS project for operating system you use and install EOOS on it. Detailed How-to Build Project chapters are written for each project in its root files that you can find here:

Build EOOS Sample Application

To get a start point for developing your own application based on EOOS, you can consider Sample Applications, and Hello World especially. Thus, the Sample Applications repository can be modified for your needs. Detailed How-to Build Sample Applications chapter is written in root files that you can find here:

For Developers

This chapter describes a few hits for developers who would like to be involved in EOOS developing process.

EOOS developing process is based on the develop branch of this repository which points to appropriate master branches of the sub-repositories. Also, main git service for developing is GitFlic with a mirror on GitHub. To automate some routine work like repository initialization or integration, we have developed a few Python scripts that are located in scripts/python directory.

NOTE: Please, follow the Prerequisites on your OS chapters to install all environment you need to successfully run the scripts and to develop EOOS by the link given in the previous chapter for appropriate EOOS project.

Prepare Git Repository

To simplify initialization of the git repositories for development purpose, we have created the script that does all routine work for you.

1. Create an empty directory somewhere on your disk

For instance we will create REPOSITORY directory.

2. Clone this repository

We strongly recommend to do it by SSH.

REPOSITORY$ git clone
3. Go to scripts directory

This step is important as the script checks current directory set to its location.

REPOSITORY$ cd eoos-projects/scripts/python
4. Initialize this repository

Execute the script to initialize all repositories for development.

REPOSITORY/eoos-projects/scripts/python$ python --init

All is done! The repository and all the sub-repositories are ready to develop on them.

5. See other options if it needs

To see other possible options please refer to the script help.

REPOSITORY/eoos-projects/scripts/python$ python --help

Integrate Git Baranches

To be sure any system depending changes made correctly we have to build and to test them on all operating systems EOOS is being developed for. To simplify this process, we have created the script that does all for you on a host operating system it runs on.

NOTE: Run CMD in Run as administrator mode to be able to install EOOS on Windows and execute the commads below.

1. Go to scripts directory

This step is important as the script checks current directory set to its location.

REPOSITORY$ cd eoos-projects/scripts/python
2. Build and test EOOS

The script has several input arguments, but the most important execution commant is given below. This command builds and tests EOOS for all possible configurations, installs EOOS on your host, and builds and runs EOOS sample applications checking their correct execution.

REPOSITORY/eoos-projects/scripts/python$ python --build ALL

All is built and tested! Zero return value by the script can be treeted by CI/CD server as EOOS is ready to be integrated for appropriate operating system.

3. See other options if it needs

To see other possible options please refer to the script help.

REPOSITORY/eoos-projects/scripts/python$ python --help

EOOS Projects for cross-platform development on POSIX and WIN32

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