EOOS copyrights reserved in Rospatent Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Russian Federation

EOOS Safe for WIN32 API based operating systems is a C++ library for cross-platform development of safety-critical software. The library is developed in C++98 programming language and supports features of C++11 programming language depending on compiler options that allows to consider wide criteria when selecting a suitable programming language on initiation step of product development.

EOOS Safe WIN32 is developed within ISO C++ standards, complied with MISRA C++:2008 and AUTOSAR C++14 Coding Guidelines, and relies on ISO 26262 that means applications based on EOOS can be used in critical and safety-related systems.

Quality of EOOS Safe WIN32:

  • MISRA C++ and AUTOSAR C++: 0 violations
  • Unit Tests coverage: more than 98%

1. How-to Build Project

EOOS is a static library for linkage with other Windows applications. This EOOS project based on CMake that builds the static library and installs it on Windows for being found by CMake projects of the Windows applications.

1.1. Prerequisites on Windows

The process described below is passed on

  • Windows 7 (64-bit)
  • Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Windows 11 (64-bit)

and requires the next tool to be installed on it:

1.1.1. Install Git for Windows

The installer automatically sets the Path system environment variable. After the installation, check in CMD that tool is executed properly by executing the following commands.

C:\> git --version
git version
1.1.2. Install CMake 3.20 or higher

CMake minimum required version 3.20 for EOOS project.

The installer automatically sets the Path system environment variable if you chose this way during installation. After the installation, check in CMD that tool is executed properly by executing the following commands.

C:\> cmake --version
cmake version 3.20.6
1.1.3. Instal Visual Studio or Windows SDK for purposes that you need

After the installation, check in CMD that tool is executed properly by executing the following commands.

C:\> MSBuild -version
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.5.0+d4cbfca49 for .NET Framework
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
1.1.4. Install Python 3.7 or higher for automation

Allow the installer to set Path. After the installation, check in CMD that tool is executed properly by executing the following commands.

C:\>python --version
Python 3.7.6

NOTE: This is important to install colorama v0.4.6 or higher.

1.1.5. Install OpenCppCoverage for code coverage report generation

Allow the installer to set Path. After the installation, check in CMD that tool is executed properly by executing the following commands.

C:\> OpenCppCoverage.exe
OpenCppCoverage Version:

1.2. Obtain Git Repository

1.2.1. Create an empty directory somewhere on your disk

For instance we will create C:\REPOSITORY.

1.2.2. Clone this repository

For instance we will clone it to EOOS directory by SSH.

C:\REPOSITORY\> git clone --branch master EOOS
1.2.3. Go the EOOS directory
1.2.4. Initialize and update all submodules of the repository
C:\REPOSITORY\EOOS> git submodule update --init

1.3. Source Code Build and Installation

EOOS can be executed on various systems. To standardize the building process, we put most common steps under the hood of the cross-platform script that is located in scripts/python directory.

1.3.1. Build and Installation for Developing on EOOS

Run CMD in Run as administrator mode to be able to install EOOS on Windows and execute the commads below.

C:\REPOSITORY\EOOS> cd scripts\python
C:\REPOSITORY\EOOS\scripts\python> python --eoos WIN32 --clean --build EOOS --install --config RelWithDebInfo

None that the –config parameter can be one of Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel, but for developing purpose we recommend to pass RelWithDebInfo.

Having done all the steps, EOOS will be installed to the C:\Program Files (x86) directory, and you will be able to find EOOS in by using find_package() command in your CMake project.

An example of your root CMakeLists.txt may be the next:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
project(eoos-application VERSION 1.0.0 LANGUAGES CXX)


find_package(EOOS 0.13.0 REQUIRED)




set_target_properties(application PROPERTIES
    OUTPUT_NAME EoosApplication

Thus, you will build EoosApplication.exe executable file.

For more examples and fast start please see the EOOS Safe Sample Applications repository

1.3.2. Build for Testing EOOS

This chapter must be useful for EOOS developers and CI/CD engineers, but not prohibited to be used by any other for sure.

To build the project with Unit Tests and run them, you have to execute the commands below.

C:\REPOSITORY\EOOS> cd scripts\python
C:\REPOSITORY\EOOS\scripts\python> python --eoos WIN32 --clean --build ALL --run --config RelWithDebInfo
0 успешных
0 с ошибкой