EOOS Safe Sample Applications

EOOS copyrights reserved in Rospatent Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Russian Federation

EOOS Safe is a system for cross-platform development of applications in automotive sphere which is developed within ISO C++ standards, complied with MISRA C++:2008 and AUTOSAR C++14 Coding Guidelines, and relies on ISO 26262

EOOS provides API to develop embedded software for real time safety-critical systems and can be ported not only on many MCUs and DSPs, but also supports POSIX and WIN32 systems.

This EOOS Sample Applications give fast start for developing safety-critical applications. Using EOOS, business-logic of applications can be developed on any Linux or Windows operating systems, and debuged and tested either on real hardware under EOOS RT Safe, or on a safety-certified OS like QNX.

The sample applications can be built within an EOOS Safe system, which can be:

1. How-to Build Sample Applications

All the Sample Applications are built by one root CMake project, but each CMake target of each application can be built independly, and this project can be revised as an example that can be easily modified for purpose to fast start for developing a new production project.

1.1. Prerequisites

Prerequisites to build the project depend on EOOS is used. Thus, to get appropriate prerequisites, please read Prerequisites chapters for a system you try to build the Sample Applications.

1.2. Obtain Git Repository

This chapter will describe common approach for a system terminal, which can be different depending on operating system chosen for developing. Thus, to generalize the approach here, we will give examples for Bash that can be executed on Linux as well as on Windows.

1.2.1. Create an empty directory somewhere on your disk

For instance we will create REPOSITORY.

1.2.2. Clone this repository

For instance we will clone it to APPS directory by SSH.

REPOSITORY$ git clone --branch master APPS
1.2.3. Go the APPS directory

1.3. Source Code Build

1.3.1. Script build

EOOS based Sample Applications can be built on various systems. To standardize the building process, we put most common steps under the hood of the cross-platform script that is located in scripts/python directory.

To build Sample Applications you can execute the commands below.

~/REPOSITORY/EOOS$ cd scripts/python
~/REPOSITORY/EOOS/scripts/python$ python3 --clean --build --config RelWithDebInfo
1.3.2. Manual build

Note: Before building, if build directory exists, you can remove it by executing the command below.

REPOSITORY/APPS$ rm -rf build

To build the project you have to execute the commands below.

REPOSITORY/APPS$ mkdir build
REPOSITORY/APPS/build$ cmake ..
REPOSITORY/APPS/build$ cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo

Note: The –config parameter can be set Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel configurations, but this configuration must match the EOOS configuration installed on your operating system.

2. How-to Execute Sample Applications

2.1. Hello, World Application

The application is located after the project is built on

  • Linux: REPOSITORY/APPS/build/codebase/app-hello-world (in the examples below)
  • Windows: REPOSITORY/APPS/build/codebase/app-hello-world/RelWithDebInfo

We need to go to the application directory by executing the command below.

REPOSITORY/APPS/build$ cd codebase/app-hello-world

The application writes its input arguments to stdout.

REPOSITORY/APPS/build/codebase/app-hello-world$ ./EoosAppHelloWorld Think Create Win
Hello, World!
Your program name is EoosAppHelloWorld
You've got the next directives from God:
Directive 1: Think
Directive 2: Create
Directive 3: Win

The application writes message to stdout if no input arguments passed.

REPOSITORY/APPS/build/codebase/app-hello-world$ ./EoosAppHelloWorld
Hello, World!
Your program name is EoosAppHelloWorld
God has pity on you :)

The application writes message to stderr if wrong number of input arguments passed.

REPOSITORY/APPS/build/codebase/app-hello-world$ ./EoosAppHelloWorld Think Create Win Destroy
Goodbye, World.
You do not want more than three God's directives given.

EOOS Sample Applications for POSIX and WIN32

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