EOOS copyrights reserved in Rospatent Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Russian Federation

EOOS Safe for FreeRTOS operating system is a C++ library for cross-platform development of safety-critical software. The library is developed in C++98 programming language and supports features of C++11 programming language depending on compiler options that allows to consider wide criteria when selecting a suitable programming language on initiation step of product development.

EOOS Safe FreeRTOS is developed within ISO C++ standards, complied with MISRA C++:2008 and AUTOSAR C++14 Coding Guidelines, and relies on ISO 26262 that means applications based on EOOS can be used in critical and safety-related systems.

1. About The Project

The FreeRTOS operating system has wide number of ports for wide number of MCUs. This project provides exactly one MCU port for exactly one PCB board, which is the EOOS deep elaborated approach.

  • Architecture: ARMv7-M
  • Processor: Cortex-M3
  • Vendor: Hangshun Chip HK32F103VET6 (STM32F103xx compatible)
  • Board: Hangshun Chip HK32F103VET6 Development Board v1.00 2022.01.20

2. How-to Build Project

EOOS is a static library for linkage with other applications. This build can be done with several projects you prefer which are:

  • CMake;
  • Keil;
  • Eclipse;
  • Visual Studio Code.

The result of the build is the EOOS static library and the test executable linked with the library that can be burned on the target MCU.

2.1. Prerequisites on Windows

The process described below is passed on

  • Windows 11 (64-bit)

and requires the next tool to be installed on it:

2.1.1. Install Git for Windows

The installer automatically sets the Path system environment variable. But you have to set manually C:\Program Files\Git\binpath to the Path user environment variable to execute Bash if it needs. After the installation, check in CMD that tool is executed properly by executing the following commands.

C:\> git --version
git version

C:\> bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.4.23(1)-release (x86_64-pc-msys)
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>

This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
2.1.2. Install IDE Keil uVision v5.37.0.0 or higher

The IDE must be licensed for the MDK-ARM Plus product. Check it in the program menu File -> License Management.

2.1.3. Install ARM GNU Toolchain GCC arm-none-eabi v11.2 2022.02 or higher

EOOS is developed within ISO C++ standards and can be compiled with any cross compilers, which support ISO/IEC 14882:1998 standard and ISO/IEC 14882:2011 standard for new features of C++ programming language.

For now, the project is developed in assembly directives and linker script of GCC GNU Toolchain. Therefore, we recommend to use gcc-arm-none-eabi-11.2-2022.02 which is shall to be installed to its default directory *C:\Program Files (x86)\Arm GNU Toolchain arm-none-eabi\11.2 2022.02*

2.1.4. Install Segger J-Link/J-Trace driver

The board can be debugged through the JTAG debugging interface on port CN1. You can use any suitable JTAG debugger, but we have used the most popular one - J-Link.

2.1.3. Install PuTTY Client

To use terminal on serial UART interface through USB port for debugging, install PuTTY Client for example.

2.2. Obtain Git Repository

2.2.1. Create an empty directory somewhere on your disk

For instance we will create C:\REPOSITORY.

2.2.2. Clone this repository

For instance we will clone it to EOOS directory by SSH.

C:\REPOSITORY\> git clone --branch master EOOS
2.2.3. Go the EOOS directory
2.2.4. Initialize and update all submodules of the repository
C:\REPOSITORY\EOOS> git submodule update --init

2.3. Source Code Build and Run

This EOOS project is developed for fast start developing of target customer boards and is based on the evaluation kit of the target MCU.

2.3.1. Connect the board to your host PC by JTAG and UART

Connect JTAG debugger to CN1 port and to USB port of your host PC, and connect USB cable to CN3 port and to USB port of the host PC for UART interface connection.

2.3.2. Run PyTTY terminal for serial UART connection

Check COM port number for this press Windows + R keyboard shortcut to launch the Windows Run box, type devmgmt.msc and click the OK button. The Device Manager window appears, go to ports (COM and LPT) and check your COM port number for USB-SERIAL CH340 device.

Run PyTTY, go Session and check Serial. Go to Connection -> Serial and enter the configuration:

  • Serial line to connction to: COM port you got in Device Manager
  • Speed (baud): 115200
  • Data bits: 8
  • Stop bits: 1
  • Parity: None
  • Flow control: None

Press Open button to run the PyTTY terminal.

2.3.3. Run and setup the project

Go to C:\REPOSITORY\EOOS\ide\eoos-exe-tests-keil and run the eoos-tests-if-freertos.uvprojx project.

Go to Project -> Options for target ‘eoos-tests’…, go to Debug and chose your JTAG debugger. For our example, we select J-Link / J-Trace Cortex Press OK.

2.3.4. Build and run the project

Go to Project -> Build Target, and after that do Debug -> Start/Stop Debug Session, so that the built program will be upload on the board and execution of it stopped on the main funtion.

Go to Debug -> Run so that you will run the program.

2.3.4. Check the project run

Go to the opened PyTTY terminal and check the output of the program.

[EOOS ] ~~~ eoos start ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[EOOS ] DATA MODEL: C++ Standard Library types
[EOOS ] MEMORY STACK: Stack size of a task is 1024 Bytes
[EOOS ] DISABLE: Dynamic heap memory allocation
[EOOS ] MEMORY MODE: Mutex in pool memory of 5
[EOOS ] MEMORY MODE: Semaphore in pool memory of 5
[EOOS ] MEMORY MODE: Thread in pool memory of 5
[EOOS ] MEMORY MODE: Interrupts in pool memory of 6
[EOOS ] MEMORY MODE: System timer in pool memory of 1
[EOOS ] MEMORY MODE: USART driver in pool memory of 1
[EOOS ] MEMORY MODE: GPIO driver in pool memory of 3
[EOOS ] MEMORY MODE: CAN driver in pool memory of 1
[EOOS ] MEMORY MODE: NULL driver in pool memory of 1
[EOOS ] SYSTEM: Size of system is 8208 Bytes

And check that LED1 is blinking.


EOOS Project for FreeRTOS on Cortex-M3 HK32F103VET6 EVK

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