My fish config


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Since zsh is not the fastest shell, I decided to give fish a try and started copying all the functions and acronyms I needed. In the end, I got carried away and it turned out even more than I had planned. However, the configuration is not overcomplicated and is designed for normal everyday use without any specialization. It is quite easy to understand it and change it to suit your needs.

This configuration has fisher installed and several add-ons that can be updated with it:

/functions contains fisher and all functions installed with it.

All functions and abbreviations I added are contained in Some part I carried over from my zsh configuration. Some of them were added by me, others may have come across to you before on the Github.

Quick reference:

  • t-h for terminal shortcuts
  • p-h for Pacman commands
  • a-h for Aura commands
  • y-h for Aura commands



  1. Modify and to your likings
  2. Add anything to your PATH with fish_add_path
  3. fisher update to update functions

Dependencies and recommendations


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