HTML5 Basics Course


Local HTTP-server

To work with a web-worker, it is required that the page be opened through the HTTP, and not directly from the disk, so you need to install a local HTTP-server. You can do this manually by specifying the “public” folder of the repository as the root directory. Or with the help of Vagrant:

  • install Vagrant;
  • go to the repository folder and run vagrant up;
  • open in browser;
  • stop Vagrant by command vagrant halt.

If the HTTP-server does not start, you need to log into the console and start the server manually:

cd repository-folder
vagrant ssh
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start

External dependencies

All these dependencies are automatically loaded when the virtual machine starts. If this does not happen, you need to manually run commands:

cd repository-folder
vagrant provision


cd repository-folder
vagrant ssh
cd ~/www/public
bower install jquery
bower install bootstrap
bower install handlebars
bower install localforage

Other dependencies cannot be loaded using bower, so the scripts were copied to the repository (along with the license):

This could have been avoided by using npm (webpack, yarn, etc), but at the stage of connecting these dependencies, bower was already used, so I decided not to complicate and not rewrite everything.

Checking requirements

localForage works with several types of storage depending on their availability in current browser:

0 успешных
0 с ошибкой