Python Обновлен 3 месяца назад
A C++ library that can be used to connect to SIYI gimbal cameras (e.g. A8 mini) and control them via UDP using in-built SDK capabilities. More info on official in-built SDK is on Google Drive linked below (User Manual - Section 3.3)
C++ Обновлен 1 год назад
Rectangular area scanning for ArUco markers and detected markers saving on Pioneer Mini educational drone
Python Обновлен 1 год назад
Pygame app to control Pioneer Mini or Pioneer with ESP32 Camera Module through FPV
Python Обновлен 1 год назад
Minimalistic GUI-supported app to calculate the parameters of vignette effect on Geoscan Pollux multispectral camera. Opens images from all bands for calibration and saves processed configuration files
Python Обновлен 1 год назад
Locus 3D visualization with logger and log player included
Python Обновлен 11 месяцев назад
Storage inventorization using QR-codes on Pioneer Mini educational drone. After completing the task, the user will be able to request the drone to highlight one of the items
Python Обновлен 1 год назад