Very simple base daemon class. Just override method 'run'.
Python Обновлен 5 лет назад
Little hack of ThreadPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures.thread: thread pool executor with priority queue (priorities must be different, lowest first). Priority can be any integer value except sys.maxsize.
Python Обновлен 5 лет назад
Fast Concurrent Pool of preforked-processes and threads Mix-in for python's socket server Replace the usual ThreadingMixIn and ForkingMixIn
Python Обновлен 5 лет назад
A command line utility to clone all user repositories from Github or Bitbucket. If the repositories are already cloned, the utility receives the changes in all branches and tries to merge the changes in the current branch with the local repository.
Python Обновлен 1 год назад
Standard logging handler module for sending logs to Elasticsearch.
Python Обновлен 2 года назад
Simple example for Python C extension. Execute SQL-statements for PostgreSQL.
C++ Обновлен 11 месяцев назад
Package can be used for logging in json format
Go Обновлен 1 год назад
Handling system signals and taking actions on application termination
Python Обновлен 1 год назад
Downloads music files from popular service
Python Обновлен 2 недели назад
Simple SQL report generator.
Python Обновлен 2 недели назад