About me:
17 yo talent, interested in security (especially in cyber security 🟥Team) and software >_
In my free time, I work on various programs in different languages, I am fond of IT virology and everything related to pentesting, also interested in administration and running-support servers, in addition can read and absorb tones of information about this case.
From birth had a PC and mastered Haskell lmao. Pay great attention to the little things, I don’t notice how the morning has already come) and I don't pay any cent for my video or online courses in IT coz "Who seeks will find !".
I run a YouTube channel, write two small books yet, like directory and try to f*** win competitors in my way. Btw I use Linux). I gave my preference to the distribution Kali, Arch and Void (others looks ugly) and the desktop environment such as Xfce, bspwm or openbox, check my so sexy desktops <3.
Global at minimum in csgo. Of corse have experience in hack, in radio tools, arduino, maybe it was passed down from dad as he is a specialist in radio technology. In general, genius of thought XD*
Favourite performers: Satori Zoom, remember (ZAPOMNI), bbno\$, Dxrk ...
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Monitors: 1.(BENQ 4k FHD 32* EW3270) | 2.(Dell FHD 24* S2419H ␡)
CPU: Intel® Core i3 9th
GPU: 1.(ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 6GB ROG Strix OC Edition VR) | 2.(EVGA GeForce GTX 10606GB)
Bass: Yamaha x2, Microlab TMN 1
RAM: Crucial ballistix 8gb
Case: Thermaltake Versa J24 Tempered Glass RGB Edition
at the time of writing 18/07/2020
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