When it comes to Indian wedding traditions, the Lagna Patrika holds a significant place. It is not just a piece of paper but a formal announcement of the wedding, a vital aspect of Hindu marriage rituals. For Marathi weddings, the Lagna Patrika in Marathi is crafted with great care to preserve cultural sentiments and linguistic authenticity. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the importance, traditional elements, modern trends, and tips for creating the perfect Lagna Patrika in Marathi. What is a Lagna Patrika? The Lagna Patrika, also known as the wedding invitation, is an auspicious doc
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Locus 3D visualization with logger and log player included
The site is based on django-framework. Contains basic functionality for a simple website or landing page.
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Сайт основан на django-фреймворке. Содержит базовый функционал для сайта-визитки или лэндинга.
По мере добавления функционала может быть использован как замена Wordpress.
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