Qooxdoo Minesweeper
Minesweeper is a puzzle video game. In the game, mines (that resemble naval mines in the classic theme) are scattered throughout a board, which is divided into cells. Cells have three states: unopened, opened and flagged. An unopened cell is blank and clickable, while an opened cell is exposed. Flagged cells are unopened cells marked by the player to indicate a potential mine location; flagged cells unopenable to reduce the risk of uncovering a suspected mine.
A player selects a cell to open it. If a player opens a mined cell, the game ends in a loss. Otherwise, the opened cell displays either a number, indicating the number of mines diagonally and/or adjacent to it, or a blank tile (or “0”), and all adjacent non-mined cells will automatically be opened. Players can also flag a cell, visualised by a flag being put on the location, to denote that they believe a mine to be in that place. Flagged cells are still considered unopened, and may be unflagged.
Implementation Details
Difficulty levels:
- low (9x9, 10 mines),
- medium (16x16, 40 mines),
- hard (30x16, 99 mines).
Language Support
- English
- Russian
The language can be changed via settings at runtime.
Todo list
- Changing theme at runtime
- Grid on board to separate cells