Cathodoluminescence spectrum time dynamics

    This code consists of two modules:

    cl_time_spectrum_acquisition.s - Gatan DigitalMicrograph script for the aquisition of the spectra using Gatan MonoCL 3 system with Zeiss scanning electron microscope.
    When using this script with another scanning electron microscope, commands to switch a beam blanker state in lines 267 and 282 (ZeissSEM_SetBeamBlankState()) should be modified accordingly. - Python script for the processing of the acquired data, which includes Tkinter-based GUI and Matplotlib-based plots. Required libraries:

    • Tkinter
    • Numpy
    • Scipy
    • Matplotlib

    Input file should contain three columns: wavelength, time and intensity. Default delimiter is comma with space.
    When input file is choosen, main interface is updated, and Matplotlib window with the spectrum appears. The spectrum can be controlled interactively with the main interface. Plotting intensity vs time or any other available dependencies takes place in new Matplotlib windows. Figures from each of these windows can be independently adjusted and saved using standard Matplotlib interace of each window.

    The project was developed with the support of the Russian Science Foundation (project 23-22-00067)

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