Flowise - Build LLM Apps Easily

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    Drag & drop UI to build your customized LLM flow

    ⚡Quick Start

    Download and Install NodeJS >= 18.15.0

    1. Install Flowise

      npm install -g flowise
    2. Start Flowise

      npx flowise start

      With username & password

      npx flowise start --FLOWISE_USERNAME=user --FLOWISE_PASSWORD=1234
    3. Open http://localhost:3000

    🐳 Docker

    Docker Compose

    1. Clone the Flowise project
    2. Go to docker folder at the root of the project
    3. Copy .env.example file, paste it into the same location, and rename to .env file
    4. docker compose up -d
    5. Open http://localhost:3000
    6. You can bring the containers down by docker compose stop

    Docker Image

    1. Build the image locally:

      docker build --no-cache -t flowise .
    2. Run image:

      docker run -d --name flowise -p 3000:3000 flowise
    3. Stop image:

      docker stop flowise

    👨‍💻 Developers

    Flowise has 3 different modules in a single mono repository.

    • server: Node backend to serve API logics
    • ui: React frontend
    • components: Third-party nodes integrations
    • api-documentation: Auto-generated swagger-ui API docs from express


    • Install PNPM

      npm i -g pnpm


    1. Clone the repository

      git clone
    2. Go into repository folder

      cd Flowise
    3. Install all dependencies of all modules:

      pnpm install
    4. Build all the code:

      pnpm build
      Exit code 134 (JavaScript heap out of memory) If you get this error when running the above `build` script, try increasing the Node.js heap size and run the script again:
      export NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=4096"
      pnpm build
    5. Start the app:

      pnpm start

      You can now access the app on http://localhost:3000

    6. For development build:

      • Create .env file and specify the VITE_PORT (refer to .env.example) in packages/ui
      • Create .env file and specify the PORT (refer to .env.example) in packages/server
      • Run

        pnpm dev

      Any code changes will reload the app automatically on http://localhost:8080

    🔒 Authentication

    To enable app level authentication, add FLOWISE_USERNAME and FLOWISE_PASSWORD to the .env file in packages/server:


    🌱 Env Variables

    Flowise support different environment variables to configure your instance. You can specify the following variables in the .env file inside packages/server folder. Read more

    📖 Documentation

    Flowise Docs

    🌐 Self Host

    Deploy Flowise self-hosted in your existing infrastructure, we support various deployments

    ☁️ Flowise Cloud

    Get Started with Flowise Cloud

    🙋 Support

    Feel free to ask any questions, raise problems, and request new features in discussion

    🙌 Contributing

    Thanks go to these awesome contributors

    See contributing guide. Reach out to us at Discord if you have any questions or issues. Star History Chart

    📄 License

    Source code in this repository is made available under the Apache License Version 2.0.

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