App for migration from GitHub to GitFlic

Edit configuration file in YAML format. For example:

github_name: <username>
github_token: <GitHub token>
per_page: 100
gitflic_name: <username>
gitflic_pass: <userpass>
gitflic_token: <GitFlic token>
clone_path: ./tmp

Run CLI:

Usage of ./hub2flic:
-config string
        Path to YAML config file
-gist string
        Clone gists: 'no' (or without key), 'yes' or 'single' (default "no")
-repo string
        Repository name


transfer all repos without gists

$ ./hub2flic -config conf.yaml

transfer repo by name

$ ./hub2flic -config conf.yaml -repo github_repo_name

transfer all repos and all gists each in its own repo

$ ./hub2flic -config conf.yaml -gist yes

transfer all repos and all gists in one repo gists.git

$ ./hub2flic -config conf.yaml -gist single

TODO: Подробнее допишу позже


App for migration from GitHub to GitFlic

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