Ansible playbook for start WebDAV server (dav module for Apache2) on Ubuntu

Install Ansible

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ansible

Change /etc/ansible/hosts (for example - localhost)

localhost	ansible_connection=local

Add roles folder to /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg (for example ~ = /home/ubuntu)

roles_path     = /home/ubuntu/ansible/roles

Choice username for basic authentication

Change ansible/roles/apache2/vars/main.yml

Run playbook

ansible-playbook ansible/server.yml


  1. An Ansible Tutorial
  2. How To Configure WebDAV Access with Apache on Ubuntu 12.04

Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 server


Ansible playbook for apache2+webdav+basic_auth on ubuntu 14.04

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