
    This is the official repository for the performance-testing code that runs at

    Troubleshooting private instances

    If your instance runs, but you’re having issues configuring agents, navigate to http://{your_instance’s_ip}/install to check for a valid configuration.


    WebPageTest uses PHPUnit for unit tests. To set up and run the unit tests:

    1. Install Composer
    2. Install apcu
    3. Add the line apc.enable_cli='on' to your php.ini
    4. Run composer install
    5. Run composer test


    There are separate lines of development under different licenses (pull requests accepted to either):

    Code style

    WebPageTest uses PSR12 coding conventions for PHP linting and formatting. For JavaScript and CSS formatting we use Prettier with its default configuration. Additionally we use Stylelint for CSS linting.

    Before you send a pull request please make sure to run: composer lint && composer format.

    Alternatively you can run

    • composer lint:php && composer format:php if you only touched PHP code, or
    • composer lint:css && composer format:prettier if you only touched CSS or JavaScript code

    VSCode integration

    If you use VSCode you might find it helpful to install Prettier and PHP Intelephence plugins and use these in your “settings.json”:

      "[php]": {
        "editor.tabSize": 4
      // uncomment to reformat on every file save
      //"editor.formatOnSave": true,
      "phpcs.standard": "PSR12",
      "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
      "files.eol": "\n",
      "files.associations": {
        "*.inc": "php"

    Official repository for WebPagetest

    0 успешных
    0 с ошибкой