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    What is Vuedo?

    Vuedo is an open source project built with Laravel and Vue.js. It is a live example of how everything works together.

    Interested in more theory? Here is the official announcement.

    Website using Vuedo in production :

    Vue.js Feed is a place where News, Tutorials, Plugins, Showcases and more things regarding Vue are handpicked and shared with the community.

    Dashboard Overview

    Basic Features:

    • Manage posts and media
    • Categorize posts
    • User Roles
    • Content moderation
    • Markdown Editor
    • Amazon S3 integration
    • and more…


    Download this repo.

    Rename .env.example to .env and fill the options.

    Run the following commands:

    composer install
    npm install
    php artisan key:generate
    php artisan migrate
    php artisan db:seed
    php artisan serve

    If you are making changes to JavaScript or Styles make sure you run gulp watch.

    Technical Description

    You can find the technical description and a list with the libraries used in development here.


    Coming soon…


    For technical questions and bugs feel free to open one issue.


    Soon a roadmap for contribution will be added so everyone will be welcome to join.

    Stay In Touch

    For latest releases and announcements, follow @vuedo on Twitter.


    Vuedo is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


    Vuedo is a blog platform, built with Laravel and Vue.js.

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