2 недели назад История


neoeedit - a smart, light, powerful text editor.

intro to neoeedit

  • Open source, BSD LICENSE
  • Written in Java
  • Highly customized Java Swing GUI editor component
  • Stable, performant, crash proof
  • Good Unicode, CJK support, Good font handling
  • Rectangular mode
  • Integrated IME support
  • Also an image viewer
  • Also a command line console (no tty no input support)
  • Script ( in Java )
  • Advanced search (like grep)
  • Smart philosophy:
    • when encounter a problem , instead of panic, it find solutions to go on
    • when you don’t configure , it find best option for you
  • Small executable(200KB?), no bloatware. drop features that not often used while need lots code
  • No online data transmission or any telemetry, means privacy protected
  • Since 2009


Default key-bindings:(can be changed in config file, located in $homedir/.neoeedit)

<kbd>ctrl</kbd>-<kbd>C/V/X</kbd>: copy/paste/cut

<kbd>ctrl-1</kbd>: go to file (and lineno) of current line.
<kbd>alt-E</kbd>(or <kbd>F9</kbd>): execute current line as command line
<kbd>ctrl-O</kbd>: list files in current dir, then use ctrl-1 to open one of them.
<kbd>alt-P</kbd>: move cursor between pair marks. (works on (){}<>)
<kbd>ctrl-L</kbd>: goto line
<kbd>ctrl-A</kbd>: select all
<kbd>alt-A</kbd>: select and copy current line
<kbd>ctrl-D</kbd>: delete current line
<kbd>ctrl-R</kbd>: remove all trailing spaces
<kbd>alt-H</kbd>: show hex for selected string
<kbd>alt-W</kbd>: wrap lines (at cursor position, CJK character's counted as two.)

ctrl-S: save file
F2 : save as

ctrl-N: new empty document in current window
ctrl-M: new empty document in new window
ctrl-TAB: show all documents in window. You can jump to one of them by press ctrl-1 on it.
ctrl-Q: quick switch between documents.
ctrl-W: close current document, and record to open file history.
alt-L: launch current line using system default launcher (for file, executable, text, or URL).
ctrl-H: open file history
ctrl-P: print (beautiful)

ctrl-Z: undo
ctrl-Y: redo

ctrl-F: find/replace
F3 : find next
F4 : find prev

ctrl-E: set encoding
F5 : reload with encoding

alt-left alt-right: quick indent
home end, ctrl up,down,left,right: cursor control

Keywords highlighting (java,c,python,lua,shader 500+ keywords)
Comments auto detection, like # // -- /**/
drag and drop files to open
F1: help
ctrl-F1: show banner

Encoding auto detection . for UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, SJIS, GBK. Good unicode support.

replace/find in files, and in dir/sub-dir

alt-\: rectangular mode
alt-/: switch line between / and \ (for path seperator)

ctrl-mouse scroll: zoom in/out
ctrl-0: zoom reset

alt-f:list fonts, then ctrl-1 on it to set font

alt-j: script to process on the text

alt-c: switch between preset color modes, there are 3 now: White, Black, Blue.

alt-S : change line seperator between windows(\r\n) and unix(\n)

alt-R : readonly mode (for novel reading)

It's also a image viewer! View large JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG images easily.
    Left, Right: view previous/next image
    Up, Down: rotate image
    0: reset image
    Ctrl-W / H / O: functions like what it did in text editor mode
    F1: toggle thumbnail
    `[` `]`:slide show speed
    ctrl-click, ctrl-drag to select an area, then ctrl-s to save.

Configurable font List (in config file)

how to use: copy plugin jar into [home-dir]/.neoeedit/plugins/

ctrl-space: toggle IME (need plugin `neoeime`, support Chinese,Japanese,English etc.)
ctrl-shift-f: format source (need plugin `neoeformatter.jar`, support Java, C or C liked, Lua, json)

select text using both mouse and keyboard
cursor keys: up down left right home end(also Ctrl-Enter) pageup pagedown
alt-pageup, alt-pagedown, alt-mouse scroll: horizon cursor movement

(more...not listed or not added)

How to use

Just download a single jar to start: https://github.com/neoedmund/neoeedit/raw/master/dist/neoeedit.jar


java -Xmx2G -jar neoeedit.jar $1 &


  • add to content-menu using neoeedit.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell\Open with neoeedit]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell\Open with neoeedit\Command]
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk9\\bin\\javaw.exe\" -Xmx1000M -jar \"C:\\neoe\\neoeedit.jar\" \"%1\""

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell\Copy full name\Command]
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk9\\bin\\javaw.exe\" -cp \"C:\\neoe\\neoeedit.jar\"  \"neoe.ne.CopyFullName\" \"%1\""
  • (optional) download [exe|https://github.com/neoedmund/neoeedit/raw/master/neoeedit.exe] and put same dir with neoeedit.jar

  • or without neoeedit.exe:

start javaw -Xmx2G -jar neoeedit.jar %*

install plugins

copy plugins/*.jar into [userhome]/.neoeedit/plugins/

Work Like Magic

(c) 2009-2099 neoe


neoeedit - a smart, light, powerful text editor.

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