Smart and Readable Documentation for PHP projects

    ApiGen is easy to use and modern API doc generator supporting all PHP 8.2 features.


    Built on Shoulders of Giants


    With Docker

    ApiGen is available as apigen/apigen Docker image which you can directly use.

    docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume "$PWD:$PWD" --workdir "$PWD" \
      apigen/apigen:edge \
      src --output docs

    With Phar

    This will install ApiGen phar binary to tools/apigen.

    mkdir -p tools
    curl -L -o tools/apigen
    chmod +x tools/apigen
    tools/apigen src --output docs

    With Composer

    This will install ApiGen to tools/apigen directory with executable entry point available in tools/apigen/bin/apigen.

    composer create-project --no-dev apigen/apigen:^7.0@alpha tools/apigen
    tools/apigen/bin/apigen src --output docs


    Generate API docs by passing source directories and destination option:

    apigen src --output docs


    ApiGen can be configured with apigen.neon configuration file.

      # string[], passed as arguments in CLI, e.g. ['src']
      paths: []
      # string[], --include in CLI, included files mask, e.g. ['*.php']
      include: ['*.php']
      # string[], --exclude in CLI, excluded files mask, e.g. ['tests/**']
      exclude: []
      # bool, should protected members be excluded?
      excludeProtected: false
      # bool, should private members be excluded?
      excludePrivate: true
      # string[], list of tags used for excluding class-likes and members
      excludeTagged: ['internal']
      # string, --output in CLI
      outputDir: '%workingDir%/api'
      # string | null, --theme in CLI
      themeDir: null
      # string, --title in CLI
      title: 'API Documentation'
      # string, --base-url in CLI
      baseUrl: ''
      # int, --workers in CLI, number of processes that will be forked for parallel rendering
      workerCount: 8
      # string, --memory-limit in CLI
      memoryLimit: '512M'

    PHP 7.1 ready Smart and Simple Documentation for your PHP project

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