UniGo PHP client

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    This SDK contains methods for easily interacting with the Unisender Go API:


    Use Composer to install the package:

    composer require unisender/unigo-php


    Send email:

      $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-HOST-NAME');
      // Example for GO1 server.
      $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', '');
      $recipients = [
          "email" => '',
          "substitutions" => [
            "to_name" => "John Smith"
          "email" => '',
          "substitutions" => [
            "to_name" => "Liza Frank"
      $body = [
        "html" => "<b>Test mail, {{to_name}}</b>",
        "plaintext" => "Hello, {{to_name}}",
        "amp" => "<!doctype html><html amp4email><head> <meta charset=\"utf-8\"><script async src=\"\"></script> <style amp4email-boilerplate>body[visibility:hidden]</style></head><body> Hello, AMP4EMAIL world.</body></html>"
      // You can use email object can be used to prepare the message array.
      // But the email send method accepts an array, that can be composed without
      // SDK utils.
      $mail = new Unisender\Model\Email($recipients, $body);
      $mail->setSubject('test letter');
      $response = $client->emails()->send($mail->toArray());

    See API documentation for more details.

    See template engine documentation for substitutions details.

    Send subscribe email:

      $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-HOST-NAME');
      $params = [
        "from_email" => "",
        "from_name" => "John Smith",
        "to_email" => ""
      $response = $client->emails()->subscribe($params);

    API documentation.

    Set template:

      $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-HOST-NAME');
      $params = [
        "template" => [
          "name" => "First template",
          "body" => [
            "html" => "<b>Hello, {{to_name}}</b>",
            "plaintext" => "Hello, {{to_name}}",
            "amp" => "<!doctype html><html amp4email><head> <meta charset=\"utf-8\"><script async src=\"\"></script> <style amp4email-boilerplate>body[visibility:hidden]</style></head><body> Hello, AMP4EMAIL world.</body></html>"
          "subject" => "Test template mail",
          "from_email" => "",
          "from_name" => "Example From",
      $response = $client->templates()->set($params);

    API documentation.

    Get template:

      $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-HOST-NAME');
      $response = $client->templates()->get('YOUR-TEMPLATE-ID');

    API documentation.

    Get templates list:

      $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-HOST-NAME');
      $params = [
        "limit" => 50,
        "offset" => 0
      $response = $client->templates()->list($params);

    API documentation.

    Delete template:

      $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-HOST-NAME');
      $response = $client->templates()->delete('YOUR-TEMPLATE-ID');

    API documentation.

    Set webhook:

      $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-HOST-NAME');
      $params = [
        "url" => "",
        "events" => [
          "email_status" => [
      $response = $client->webhooks()->set($params);

    API documentation.

    The specified URL will receive a request from Unisender Go. See more information about request data in API documentation.

    This is how you can check the message integrity in your callback handler:

    $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-HOST-NAME');
    // $body contains a callback request body.
    if ($client->webhooks()->verify($body) === TRUE) {
      // The webhook is confirmed, result can be processed.

    Get webhook:

      $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-HOST-NAME');
      $response = $client->webhooks()->get('YOUR-WEBHOOK-URL');

    API documentation.

    Get list all or some webhooks:

      $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-HOST-NAME');
      $response = $client->webhooks()->list();

    API documentation.

    Delete webhook:

      $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-HOST-NAME');
      $response = $client->webhooks()->delete('YOUR-WEBHOOK-URL');

    API documentation.

    Additional information

    Generic API method

    For API methods, that are not implemented in SDK yet, you can use UniGoClient::httpRequest(). Here is an example for “set” suppression method:

      $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-HOST-NAME');
      $response = $client->httpRequest('suppression/set.json', ["email" => "", "cause" => "unsubscribed"]);

    Set Guzzle HTTP client config

    Unisender Go client accepts an array with Guzzle configuration as a third argument. When creating a client, you can pass some additional options (i.e. connect_timeout) to apply this to all requests.

    Here is a more advanced example of adding a history handler to save outcoming requests and responses.

      $container = [];
      $history = Middleware::history($container);
      $handlerStack = HandlerStack::create();
      $config = ['handler' => $handlerStack];
      $client = new Unisender\UniGoClient('YOUR-API-KEY', 'YOUR-HOST-NAME', $config);

    See Guzzle documentation.


    Unisender Go PHP Library

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