@file README.txt @brief A software HD output device for VDR

Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013 by Johns. All Rights Reserved.

Contributor(s): 2019 - 2020 ua0lnj

License: AGPLv3

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.


A software and GPU emulated UHD output device plugin for VDR.

o Video decoder CPU / VA-API / VDPAU / CUVID
o Video output VA-API / VDPAU / GLX (VA-API / CUVID)
o OSD accelerated by GPU VDPAU / CUVID
o Audio FFMpeg / Alsa / Analog
o Audio FFMpeg / Alsa / Digital
o Audio FFMpeg / OSS / Analog
o HDMI/SPDIF pass-through
o Software volume, compression, normalize and channel resample
o VDR ScaleVideo API
o Software deinterlacer Bob (VA-API only)
o Autocrop
o Grab image (VA-API / VDPAU / CUVID)
o Suspend / Dettach
o Letterbox, Stretch and Center cut-out video display modes
o atmo light support with plugin
o PIP (Picture-in-Picture) (VDPAU / CUVID)

o planned: OSD accelerated by GPU VA-API
o planned: Video output Opengl / Xv
o planned: Improved software deinterlacer (yadif or/and ffmpeg filters)
o XvBa support is no longer planned (use future Radeon UVD VDPAU)

To compile you must have the ‘requires’ installed.

Good luck


Just type make and use.


1a) git
original git
git clone git://
latest git
git clone
cd vdr-plugin-softhddevice
make install

2a) tarball

Download original version from:
Download latest version from:

tar vxf *-softhddevice-*.tar.*
cd softhddevice-*
cd vdr-plugin-softhddevice-*
make install

You can edit Makefile to enable/disable VDPAU / VA-API / CUVID / Alsa / OSS / OPENGL OSD
support.  The default is to autodetect as much as possible.

Setup: environment

Following is supported:

	x11 display name
	if set don't use the hardware decoders
	if set don't use the hardware decoder for mpeg1/2

only if alsa is configured
	alsa PCM device name
	alsa pass-though (AC-3,E-AC-3,DTS,...) device name
	alsa control device name
	alsa control channel name

only if oss is configured
	oss dsp device name
	oss pass-though (AC-3,E-AC-3,DTS,...) device name
	oss mixer device name
	oss mixer channel name

Setup: /etc/vdr/setup.conf

Following is supported:

softhddevice.MakePrimary = 0
0 = no change, 1 make softhddevice primary at start

softhddevice.HideMainMenuEntry = 0
0 = show softhddevice main menu entry, 1 = hide entry

softhddevice.Osd.Width = 0
0 = auto (=display, unscaled) n = fixed osd size scaled for display
softhddevice.Osd.Height = 0
0 = auto (=display, unscaled) n = fixed osd size scaled for display

<res> of the next parameters is 576i, 720p, 1080i_fake or 1080i.
1080i_fake is 1280x1080 or 1440x1080
1080i is "real" 1920x1080

softhddevice.<res>.Scaling = 0
0 = normal, 1 = fast, 2 = HQ, 3 = anamorphic

softhddevice.<res>.Deinterlace = 0
0 = bob, 1 = weave, 2 = temporal, 3 = temporal_spatial, 4 = software
(only 0, 1, 4 supported with VA-API)

softhddevice.<res>.SkipChromaDeinterlace = 0
0 = disabled, 1 = enabled (for slower cards, poor quality)

softhddevice.<res>.InverseTelecine = 0
0 = disabled, 1 = enabled

softhddevice.<res>.Denoise = 0
0 .. 1000 noise reduction level (0 off, 1000 max)

softhddevice.<res>.Sharpness = 0
-1000 .. 1000 noise reduction level (0 off, -1000 max blur,
    1000 max sharp)

softhddevice.<res>.CutTopBottom = 0
Cut 'n' pixels at at top and bottom of the video picture.

softhddevice.<res>.CutLeftRight = 0
Cut 'n' pixels at at left and right of the video picture.

softhddevice.AudioDelay = 0
+n or -n ms
delay audio or delay video

softhddevice.AudioPassthrough = 0
0 = none, 1 = PCM, 2 = MPA, 4 = AC-3, 8 = EAC-3, 10 = DTS -X disable

for PCM/AC-3/EAC-3/DTS the pass-through device is used and the audio
stream is passed undecoded to the output device.
z.b. 12 = AC-3+EAC-3, 13 = PCM+AC-3+EAC-3, 23 = PCM+AC-3+EAC-3+DTS
note: MPA/TrueHD/... aren't supported yet
negative values disable passthrough

softhddevice.AudioDownmix = 0
0 = none, 1 = downmix
Use ffmpeg/libav downmix of AC-3/EAC-3/DTS audio to stereo.

softhddevice.AudioSoftvol = 0
0 = off, use hardware volume control
1 = on, use software volume control

softhddevice.AudioNormalize = 0
0 = off, 1 = enable audio normalize

softhddevice.AudioMaxNormalize = 0
maximal volume factor/1000 of the normalize filter

softhddevice.AudioCompression = 0
0 = off, 1 = enable audio compression

softhddevice.AudioMaxCompression = 0
maximal volume factor/1000 of the compression filter

softhddevice.AudioStereoDescent = 0
reduce volume level (/1000) for stereo sources

softhddevice.AudioBufferTime = 0
0 = default (336 ms)
1 - 1000 = size of the buffer in ms

softhddevice.AutoCrop.Interval = 0
0 disables auto-crop
n each 'n' frames auto-crop is checked.

softhddevice.AutoCrop.Delay = 0
if auto-crop is over 'n' intervals the same, the cropping is

softhddevice.AutoCrop.Tolerance = 0
if detected crop area is too small, cut max 'n' pixels at top and

softhddevice.Background = 0
32bit RGBA background color
(Red * 16777216 +  Green * 65536 + Blue * 256 + Alpha)
grey 127 * 16777216 + 127 * 65536 + 127 * 256 => 2139062016
in the setup menu this is entered as (24bit RGB and 8bit Alpha)
(Red * 65536 +  Green * 256 + Blue)

softhddevice.StudioLevels = 0
	0 use PC levels (0-255) with vdpau.
	1 use studio levels (16-235) with vdpau.

softhddevice.Suspend.Close = 0
1 suspend closes x11 window, connection and audio device.
(use svdrpsend plug softhddevice RESU to resume, if you have no lirc)

softhddevice.Suspend.X11 = 0
1 suspend stops X11 server (not working yet)

softhddevice.60HzMode = 0
0 disable 60Hz display mode
1 enable 60Hz display mode

softhddevice.SoftStartSync = 0
0 disable soft start of audio/video sync
1 enable soft start of audio/video sync

softhddevice.BlackPicture = 0
0 disable black picture during channel switch
1 enable black picture during channel switch

softhddevice.ClearOnSwitch = 0
0 keep video und audio buffers during channel switch
1 clear video and audio buffers on channel switch

softhddevice.Video4to3DisplayFormat = 1
0 pan and scan
1 letter box
2 center cut-out

softhddevice.VideoOtherDisplayFormat = 1
0 pan and scan
1 pillar box
2 center cut-out

softhddevice.pip.X = 79
softhddevice.pip.Y = 78
softhddevice.pip.Width = 18
softhddevice.pip.Height = 18
PIP pip window position and size in percent.

softhddevice.pip.VideoX = 0
softhddevice.pip.VideoY = 0
softhddevice.pip.VideoWidth = 0
softhddevice.pip.VideoHeight = 0
PIP video window position and size in percent.

softhddevice.pip.Alt.X = 0
softhddevice.pip.Alt.Y = 50
softhddevice.pip.Alt.Width = 0
softhddevice.pip.Alt.Height = 50
PIP alternative pip window position and size in percent.

softhddevice.pip.Alt.VideoX = 0
softhddevice.pip.Alt.VideoY = 0
softhddevice.pip.Alt.VideoWidth = 0
softhddevice.pip.Alt.VideoHeight = 50
PIP alternative video window position and size in percent.

Setup: /etc/vdr/remote.conf

Add "XKeySym." definitions to /etc/vdr/remote.conf to control
the vdr and plugin with the connected input device.

XKeySym.Up	Up
XKeySym.Down	Down

Additional to the x11 input sends the window close button "Close".

XKeySym.Power	Close


Use vdr -h to see the command line arguments supported by the plugin.

-a audio_device	Selects audio output module and device.
""		to disable audio output
/...		to use oss audio module (if compiled with oss
other		to use alsa audio module (if compiled with alsa

-p device		audio device for pass-through (hw:0,1 or /dev/dsp1)
-c channel		audio mixer channel name (fe. PCM)
-d display		display of x11 server (fe. :0.0)
-f 			start with fullscreen window (only with window manager)
-g geometry		x11 window geometry wxh+x+y
-l loglevel		set the log level (0=none, 1=errors, 2=info, 3=debug)
-v device		video driver device (va-api, va-api-glx, vdpau, cuvid, noop)
-s 			start in suspended mode
-x 			start x11 server, with -xx try to connect, if this fails
-X args		X11 server arguments (f.e. -nocursor)

-w workaround 	enable/disable workarounds:
no-hw-decoder			disable hw decoder, use software decoder only
no-mpeg-hw-decoder		disable hw decoder for mpeg2 only
still-hw-decoder		enable hardware decoder for still-pictures
still-h264-hw-decoder		enable h264 hw decoder for still-pictures
alsa-driver-broken		disable broken alsa driver message
alsa-no-close-open		disable close open to fix alsa no sound bug
alsa-close-open-delay		enable close open delay to fix no sound bug
ignore-repeat-pict		disable repeat pict message
use-possible-defect-frames	prefer faster channel switch
disable-ogl-osd			disable openGL accelerated osd

-D 			start in detached mode


Use ' plug softhddevice HELP'
or 'svdrpsend plug softhddevice HELP' to see the SVDRP commands help
and which are supported by the plugin.


See keymacros.conf how to setup the macros.

This are the supported key sequences:

@softhddevice Blue 1 0		disable pass-through
@softhddevice Blue 1 1		enable pass-through
@softhddevice Blue 1 2		toggle pass-through
@softhddevice Blue 1 3		decrease audio delay by 10ms
@softhddevice Blue 1 4		increase audio delay by 10ms
@softhddevice Blue 1 5		toggle ac3 mixdown
@softhddevice Blue 2 0		disable fullscreen
@softhddevice Blue 2 1		enable fullscreen
@softhddevice Blue 2 2		toggle fullscreen
@softhddevice Blue 2 3		disable auto-crop
@softhddevice Blue 2 4		enable auto-crop
@softhddevice Blue 2 5		toggle auto-crop
@softhddevice Blue 3 0		stretch 4:3 to 16:9
@softhddevice Blue 3 1		letter box 4:3 in 16:9
@softhddevice Blue 3 2		center cut-out 4:3 to 16:9
@softhddevice Blue 3 9		rotate 4:3 to 16:9 zoom mode


Click into video window to toggle fullscreen/window mode, only if you
have a window manager running.


libav is not supported, expect many bugs with it.

Known Bugs:

VA-API doesn't v-sync h264 interlaced streams
VDPAU crash with hevc 10 bit


media-video/vdr (version >=1.7.xx)
	Video Disk Recorder - turns a pc into a powerful set top box
	for DVB.

media-video/ffmpeg (version >=0.7)
	Complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and
	video. Includes libavcodec and libswresample.
	Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Library
kernel support for oss/oss4 or alsa oss emulation

x11-libs/libva (deprecated)
	Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux
	HW video decode support for Intel integrated graphics
	VDPAU Backend for Video Acceleration (VA) API
	XVBA Backend for Video Acceleration (VA) API

	VDPAU wrapper and trace libraries
cuvid libs
    ffnvcodec and ffmpeg with cuvid support
    libs gl glu

	X C-language Bindings library
	X C-language Bindings library
	Only versions >= 0.3.8 are good supported

	X.Org X11 library

GNU Make 3.xx

Optional: for openGL accelerated OSD need libs gl glu glew freetype2

0 успешных
0 с ошибкой