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WT Quick links Joomla module

Module versions before 2.0.0 works with Joomla 4 and still works with Joomla 3. Since verison 2.0.0 module works only with Joomla 4.2.0 and higher. A module for quickly displaying links to content categories, Virtuemart, JoomShopping, a menu item, or a custom link. The module allows you to create quick sets of links to various entities on the Joomla site: categories of materials, Virtuemart, JoomShopping, a menu item or a custom link. There are conditions for excluding the display of list items. You can create your own module output layouts, thus creating almost anything: from a simple list of links to a wall of photos to the main page or link tags for linking categories of an online store. The module allows you to output images, adaptive images, videos, adaptive videos.

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