sc-mini: A Minimalistic Supercompiler written in Idris

The goal is to stress the main features of supercompilation for a working functional programmer.

Its design is an attempt to illustrate the following formula:

Supercompiler = Driving + Positive info propagation + Folding + Simplification + Generalization

However, it turns out to be not so easy task. So here we illustrate this formula step by step:

  1. Prototype = Driving + Generalization + Folding
  2. Deforester = Prototype + Simplification of graph of configurations
  3. Supercompiler = Deforester + Positive Information Propagation

In order to catch the idea of this supercompiler, just look into the following modules into the following order:

  1. Prototype
  2. Deforester
  3. Supercompiler

The initial version of sc-mini, written in Haskell was described in the paper

Ilya Klyuchnikov. The ideas and methods of supercompilation. Practice of Functional Programming, 7, 2011. In Russian.


A Minimalistic Supercompiler written in Idris

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