Class scheme definition by decorator with type-validators and loaders
Example of usage
import * as classModel from "class-model"
//custom validator funciton
function strNotEmptyValidator(prop: string, label: string, model: any) {
return (model[prop].length > 0)
? []
: ([label + " should be grater then 0"])
//model class
class UserAuth {"Login", strNotEmptyValidator)
login: string"Password", strNotEmptyValidator)
pass: string
const user = new UserAuth()
const loadResult = classModel.loadData(user, {login: "asdsa", pass: "c412"})
assert.strictEqual(loadResult, true)
assert.strictEqual(user.login, "asdsa")
assert.strictEqual(user.pass, "c412")
const validationErrors1 = classModel.validationErrors(user)
assert.strictDeepEqual(validationErrors1, [])
user.password = ""
const validationErrors2 = classModel.validationErrors(user)
assert.strictDeepEqual(validationErrors2, ["Password should be grater then 0"])
assert.deepStrictEqual(classModel.utils.getAllPropertiesLabels(user), {
login: "Login",
pass: "Password",
npm i class-model
1. Set decorator to the property
class UserAuth {"Login",
classModel.valid.strictEqual("asdsa") //validator
login: string"Password", classModel.valid.stringLength(sl => sl > 8))
pass: string
2. Use load funciton to load structure or object to model using decorated properties
const user = new UserAuth()
const loadResult = classModel.loadData(user, {login: "asdsa", pass: "c412"})
assert.strictEqual(loadResult, true)
assert.strictEqual(user.login, "asdsa")
assert.strictEqual(user.pass, "c412")
3. Use validationErrors function
user.password = ""
const validationErrors2 = classModel.validationErrors(user)
assert.strictDeepEqual(validationErrors2, ["Password should be equals \"c412\""])
//You also may assert model by them
classModel.assert(user) //Error: Password should be equals "c412"
Package provides utils functions to access metadata of model
import { MakeProperty } from "./make";
import { PropertyValidator } from "./valid";
export declare const __classModelPropertiesKey = "__classModelProperties";
export type PropertyMeta = {
makeModel: MakeProperty;
validator: PropertyValidator | null;
label: string | null;
* Sets property to model
export declare function setProperty(
model: object,
propName: string | symbol,
label?: string | null,
validator?: PropertyValidator | null,
makeModel?: MakeProperty | null
): void;
* Gets meta-structure with validators and label of property
export declare function getPropertyMeta(
model: object,
propName: string | symbol
): PropertyMeta | null;
* Get structure kind of {[registeredProperty]: [labelOfProperty]}
export declare function getAllPropertiesLabels(model: object): {};
* Gets structure kind of {[registeredProperty]: {label: ..., validators: [...]}}
export declare function getAllPropertiesMeta(model: object): Record<string, PropertyMeta>;
* Get all properties as a string
export declare function getProperties(obj: object): Array<string>;
* Returns label of property or returns property name
* if special label had not been registered
export declare function getPropertyLabel(
model: object,
propName: string | symbol
): string;
* Returns all geristered validators of the property
export declare function getPropertyValidator(
model: object,
propName: string | symbol
): PropertyValidator | null;
* Returns special constructor of property, is it exists
export declare function getMaybeMakeModelFn(
model: object,
propName: string | symbol
): null | MakeProperty;
* assert anonimous value by validator
export declare function assertByValidator(
val: any,
validator: (propName: string | symbol, propLabel: string, propVal: any) => string[]
): void;
Special property constructors
If you want to load aggregated data or define special property construction logic on loading, you should define special constructor in property decorator
class SubModel {"A")
a: number = 12
class MakeModelTestClass {"As", valid.any(),
classModel.make.model(() => new SubModel()) /*special property constructor*/)
public as: SubModel //aggreagated property
const obj = new MakeModelTestClass()
const data = {as: {a: 15}}
const loadResult = classModel.loadData(obj, data)
assert.strictEqual(loadResult, true)
assert.strictEqual(, 15)
Special property constructors
We prepared two popular constructors in classModel.make
// classModel.make module
export type MakeProperty = (data: any) => any;
* Load model uses getter
export declare function model(getModel: () => object): MakeProperty;
* Load array of models uses getter
export declare function modelsArray(getModel: () => object): MakeProperty;
* Load bigint
export declare function bigInt(printData?: ((v: any) => string) | null): MakeProperty;
* Constructs Date from loading data
export declare function date(printData?: ((v: any) => string) | null): MakeProperty;
* Parse data as a Float
export declare function float(printData?: ((v: any) => string) | null): MakeProperty;
* Parse data as a Float
export declare function int(
printData?: ((v: any) => string) | null,
roundStrategy?: "round" | "floor" | "ceil"
): MakeProperty;
* Parse data as a boolean
export declare function boolean(): MakeProperty;
* Parse data as a string
export declare function string(): MakeProperty;
* Parse data as array
export function arrayOf(make: MakeProperty|null = null): MakeProperty;
* Parse potential nullable data
export function nullable(make: MakeProperty|null = null): MakeProperty;
Validator is function kind of:
type PropertyValidator = (propName: string, propLabel: string, propVal: any) => string[]
Some popular validators are also prepared for you, and keeps in classModel.valid
Validator pakcage
You may use validators from validator
pakage in property decorator using classModel.valid.lambda
import {isHexColor} form "validator"
class LambdaCheckClass {
@property("A", valid.lambda(isHexColor))
public a: any
const obj = new LambdaCheckClass()
obj.a = "#763820"
const validErrors = validationErrors(obj)
assert.deepStrictEqual(validErrors, [])
This package is not depends of validator
package. Its needs to be installed, before using.
List of validators:
//classModel.valid module
export type PropertyValidator = (
propName: string | symbol,
propLabel: string, propVal: any
) => string[];
export type ValuePrinter = (v: any) => string;
* Strict not deep equals to scalar val
export declare function strictEqual(
val: string | bigint | number | boolean | null | undefined | symbol,
printValue?: ValuePrinter | null
): PropertyValidator;
* Deep strict equals validator
export declare function strictDeepEqual(
val: any,
printValue?: ValuePrinter | null
): PropertyValidator;
* Value satisfies operator !!val
export declare function required(): PropertyValidator;
* Value satisfies operator !val
export declare function empty(): PropertyValidator;
* Value satisfies filter function
export declare function filterFn(filterFn: (v: any) => boolean): PropertyValidator;
* Deep strict equals validator
export declare function oneOf(
vals: Array<string | symbol | number | boolean | null | undefined | bigint>,
printValue?: ValuePrinter | null = null
): PropertyValidator;
* Validator allows anything
export declare function any(): PropertyValidator;
* Validator allows nothing
export declare function never(): PropertyValidator;
* Checks is value type of bigint, symbol, number, string,
* boolean or undefined
export declare function scalar(): PropertyValidator;
* Checks is property value is array of X
export declare function arrayOf(
itemValidator?: PropertyValidator | null
): PropertyValidator;
* Checks is property value is array have n of X values
export declare function arrayDeepStrictUnique(
printVal?: ValuePrinter | null
): PropertyValidator;
* Checks array count by function
export declare function arrayCount(
countCheckFn?: ((n: number) => boolean) | null
): PropertyValidator;
* Checks property is a tuple match tuple of validators
export declare function arrayTuple(
valids?: PropertyValidator[] | null
): PropertyValidator;
* Return errors if one of validators are return errors
export declare function and(valids: PropertyValidator[]): PropertyValidator;
* Return errors if everyone of validators are return errors
export declare function or(valids: PropertyValidator[]): PropertyValidator;
* Return errors if everyone of validators are return errors
export declare function not(valid: PropertyValidator): PropertyValidator;
* Date validation by lambda
export declare function date(
valid?: ((d: Date) => string[] | boolean) | null
): PropertyValidator;
* Validate number by lambda
export declare function number(
valid?: ((n: number) => string[] | boolean) | null
): PropertyValidator;
* Validate bigint by lambda
export function bigint(
valid: ((n: bigint) => string[]|boolean)|null = null
): PropertyValidator;
* Checks object is instance of X
export declare function objInstance(construct?: Function | null): PropertyValidator;
* Checks object is valid as a Model
export declare function objValidModel(construct: Function|null = null): PropertyValidator;
* Checks object has keys
export declare function objHasKeys(keys: (string | symbol)[]): PropertyValidator;
* Checks object values by structure of validators
export declare function objProps(
propValidators: Record<string | symbol, PropertyValidator>
): PropertyValidator;
* Validate string by lambda
export declare function string(
valid?: ((s: string) => string[] | boolean) | null
): PropertyValidator;
* Validate string by lambda
export declare function stringLength(
valid?: ((s: number) => string[] | boolean) | null
): PropertyValidator;
* Validate string by lambda
export declare function stringRegMatch(regex: RegExp | string): PropertyValidator;
* Validate string by lambda
export declare function stringUuid(): PropertyValidator;
* Validate boolean value
export declare function boolean(
valid?: ((s: boolean) => string[] | boolean) | null
): PropertyValidator;
* validate Symbol value
export declare function symbol(
valid?: ((s: symbol) => string[] | boolean) | null
): PropertyValidator;
* Validate value is Null
export declare function isNull(): PropertyValidator;
* Validate value is Undefined
export declare function isUndefined(): PropertyValidator;
* Validate value is function
export declare function func(
valid?: ((s: Function) => string[] | boolean) | null
): PropertyValidator;
* Validate value by lambda
* (You may use it with `validator` package)
export declare function lambda(valid: (a: any) => boolean | string[]): PropertyValidator;
* Modify any validator. Allows falsable values
export function maybe(valid: PropertyValidator): PropertyValidator
Anatoly Starodubtsev
Class scheme definition by decorator with type-validators and loaders