Create Symlink

The Create Symlink is a simple mac Automator workflow which provides a GUI for the symbolic links creation on macOS.

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📇 Table of Contents

📖 About

For me the symbolic links is a useful feature of macOS. They can be especially useful when it’s needed to store the Documents folder on a hard drive or SD card, but on the ssd to create a just link to this folder. Create Symlink is a mac Automator workflow which allows to create symbolic links of selected folders or files. It can be added to the "Services” menu and called by right-clicking on selected folders or files and selecting Services --> create symlink from the context menu.

There is an alternative project with similar functionality, but a different implementation - a Finder extension.; for more details see

📸 Demo

Demo shows how it works.

create symlink

🎚 Features

  • Create a symbolic links in a several clicks via the context menu instead of the terminal promt;
  • Create a symbolic links for the selected files or folders;
  • Save a symbolic links to the selected directory.

To Do

  • For more information on an upcoming development, please read the todo list. No plans.


  • For more information on a releases, a features and a changes, please read the changelog notes.

🚦 Getting Started

These instructions allow to get a copy of this project and run it on a local machine.


Before using it, make sure that follows software are installed on the local machine:

  • macOS - the operating system under which the process is executing;
  • Automator - the program for operations automation.

If any of the listed programs is not installed, then it can be installed by instruction as described below.

  1. macOS

    • Install macOS by this instruction.
  2. Automator

    • Automator is included on macOS. Just install the macOS.


In order to install it is quite simple to:

  1. Clone this repository;

  2. Go to the directory with this tool (optionally):

    • via Finder;
    • via Terminal prompt;
    cd /{path to dir with tool}/create-symlink
  3. Install the tool in macOS (optionally):

    • via double-click on create symlink.workflow;
    • via Terminal prompt;
    open create\ symlink.workflow
  4. Push the Install button.


For the cloning this repository to a local machine, just use the follows link:


For use it is required to:

  1. Select folders or files for which a symbolic link is needed;
  2. Call the context menu by right-clicking on selected;
  3. Select menu item services --> create symlink;
  4. Select a destination folder on the choosing dialog and push the Select button.

🛠 Built With

  • Automator - the program for operations automation.

🎉 Contributing

If you want to contribute this project - you are welcome and have fun. Please visit the contributing section for details on this code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.

📝 Code of Conduct

In order to ensure that all is welcoming, please review and abide by the code of conduct.

🗒 Versioning

For the versioning is used Semantic Versioning. For the versions available, see the changelog or the tags on this repository.

©️ Authors

  • Alexander A. Kropotin - Initial work - ololx.

🔏 Licensing

This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the lisence document for details.

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