
HID foot pedal controlled transcription application.


$ cd T7

$ mkdir build ; cd $_

$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release ../

$ make -j4

Device access setup

Udev’s facilities are used here. A group with read/write access to the device must be created, with users added to that group.

$ groupadd transcript

$ usermod -a -G transcript user

Create /etc/udev/rules.d/99-mypedal.rules with :

KERNEL=="hidraw[0-9]", ATTRS==“abcd”, ATTRS==“efgh”, MODE=“0660”, GROUP=“transcript”*

Get ‘abcd’ and ‘efgh’ with ‘lsusb’ command or ‘dmesg |tail’ commands after plugging the foot pedal.

Remove the pedal device and plug it again. On next login, users in group ‘transcript’ should have read access to the device.

T7 configuration:

Open the two nested collapsible panes at the bottom of the main window.

Select the foot pedal device.

Identify each of the three pedals in turn.

Restart the application.

Declare pedal roles.

Choose an automatic rewind duration on pause.

Select a root media directory.

Refresh the list.

Double click on an item.

Use the pedals.


T7 does not claim to be fit for any purpose. Use at your own risks.


Not designed for devices with less or more than three pedals. Developed on Linux, other operating systems are not a target.


HID foot pedal controlled transcription application

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