
Sauer is a command-line scaffolder for Kraut-powered Karax SPAs.


Install Sauer with Nimble:

$ nimble install -y sauer

or add to your .nimble file:

requires "sauer >= 1.0.0"


  1. Generate a new Nim project with nimble init.
  2. In the project directory, run sauer init.
  3. Build the app by running nimble make or sauer make.
  4. See the app in action by running nimble serve or sauer serve and opening http://localhost:1337/app.html#/" in your browser.
  5. To add a new page, run sauer page new mynewpage --route="#/my/new/location/" and rebuild the app. You should now see your page on http://localhost:1337/app.html#/my/new/location/.
  6. To add a page with URL params, use placeholders: sauer page new cat --route="#/cats/{catName}/"
  7. During development, run sauer make --watch --serve to automatically rebuild your app when it’s source is updated and serve it locally.
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