10 месяцев назад История


    Component handles work with displays (drawing graphics and texts) on ESP32=microcontrollers.


    First you need to place folder into your project’s ‘components’ folder.
    Then run ‘idf.py menuconfig’ and configure ‘ESP32_SPIDidsplay’ section, configure ‘include/User_Setup.h’
    and ‘User_Setup_Select.h’. Later this will be moved into ‘idf.py menuconfig’ only.
    For initializing Display you need to run ‘Device::Display::init()’ function.
    There are 3 vertions of init() function:

    • init(t_DispCoords _W, t_DispCoords _H, uint8_t R, uint8_t tc );
    • init(uint8_t R, uint8_t tc );
    • init(uint8_t tc);
    • Where ‘tc’ used only for ST7735_DRIVER. init() function creates Device::Display::Driver pointer to object.

    For using Graphics function you need first run Device::Display:Graphics::init()
    function in next variants:

    • init(uint32_t color = TFT_BLACK);
    • init();

    For using uPNG extension you need first run

    • Device::uPNG::init();

    For using text (TextBlock extension) you need to create object Device::Display::Graphics::TextBlock
    and configure it: setup Font specified settings and setup text specified settings. Then you can show
    text or remove it (in this case will be draw square with background color)


    2023.09.06 Проведено не мало работы:

    • добавлены текстовые блоки TextBlock
    • добавлено меню Menu
    • доработан Kconfig для конфигурирования по idf.py menuconfig Текущие недостатки:
    • необходимо исправлять работу с фоновым цветом и цветом рисования
    • необходимо прорабатывать и оптимизировать функции отрисовки для минимизации мерцаний при отрисовке
    • Menu малофункционально (из функционирующего - само меню, изменение bool-параметра, изменение int8 параметра)


    • System code moving to ESP32_System
    • Driver tested on TTGO-T-Display


    1. Rebuilding library. Start code was got from here https://github.com/Bodmer

    Display driver component for ESP32 esp-idf

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