edFramework - Efficient Development Framework

The edFramework, which stands for “Efficient Development Framework,” is a lightweight JavaScript frontend framework designed to enhance the development process of web applications. It provides developers with essential features and tools to build dynamic and interactive web pages with ease and efficiency.

With a focus on streamlining development tasks, the edFramework offers built-in functionalities such as routing, template rendering, component management, and addon integration. These features enable developers to create web applications more efficiently by reducing the amount of boilerplate code and providing organized structures for code organization.

By leveraging the edFramework, developers can concentrate on their application’s logic and functionality, rather than spending excessive time on repetitive implementation details. Its intuitive and straightforward approach empowers developers to create robust and dynamic web experiences without compromising development speed and efficiency.

Whether you’re building a small website or a complex web application, the edFramework provides the necessary tools and patterns to facilitate efficient development and deliver high-quality results.


To use edFramework, follow these steps:

Create a new instance of the framework:

const edFramework = {
  routes: {},
  templates: {},
  addons: [],
  handlers: {},
  components: {},
  // ...

Add routes using the addRoute() method. Routes define the path, associated template, and optional handler function:

edFramework.addRoute('/home', 'homeTemplate', handleHome);

Add templates using the addTemplate() method. Templates are HTML strings with optional variables and loops:

edFramework.addTemplate('homeTemplate', '<h1>Welcome to the Home Page</h1>');

Add addons using the addAddon() method. Addons are optional modules that enhance the framework’s functionality:

const myAddon = {
  init: function () {
    // Initialization logic for the addon

Add event handlers using the addHandler() method. Event handlers define functions to be executed for specific events:

edFramework.addHandler('click', handleClick);

Add components using the addComponent() method. Components are reusable templates that can be included in other templates:

edFramework.addComponent('userComponent', '<p>User: {{name}}</p>');

Initialize the framework using the init() method:



Routing allows you to define different paths and associate them with templates and optional handler functions. The addRoute() method is used to add routes:

edFramework.addRoute(path, templateName, handler);
path: The URL path for the route (e.g., '/home').
templateName: The name of the template associated with the route.
handler (optional): A function to be executed when the route is accessed.


Templates are HTML strings that can include variables and loops. The addTemplate() method is used to add templates:

edFramework.addTemplate(templateName, templateContent);
templateName: The name of the template.
templateContent: The HTML content of the template, which can include variables and loops.

Variables in templates are denoted by {{variableName}} syntax. Variables are replaced with their corresponding values during rendering.

Loops in templates are denoted by {{#foreach loopData}}{{loopContent}}{{/foreach}} syntax. The loop iterates over an array of loopData and repeats the loopContent for each item.


Addons are optional modules that extend the functionality of the framework. An addon can be any object with an init() method. Addons can be added using the addAddon() method:

addon: The addon object with an init() method.


Handlers are functions that are executed in response to specific events. You can add event handlers using the addHandler() method:

edFramework.addHandler(eventName, handler);
eventName: The name of the event to listen for (e.g., 'click', 'submit', 'keydown').
handler: The function to be executed when the event occurs.


Components are reusable templates that can be included in other templates. Components are defined using the addComponent() method:

edFramework.addComponent(componentName, componentContent);
  • componentName: The name of the component.

  • componentContent: The HTML content of the component.

Components can be referenced in templates using the {{componentName}} syntax. During rendering, the component will be inserted into the template.

Initialization and Route Handling

Once all the routes, templates, addons, handlers, and components are added, you can initialize the framework using the init() method:


The init() method performs the following tasks:

  • Calls the init() method of each addon.
  • Handles the initial route.
  • Listens for changes in the URL hash and handles route changes accordingly.

When a route is accessed, the associated template is rendered, variables are replaced with their values, loops are processed, and the resulting HTML is inserted into the specified DOM element with the id app.

If a route does not exist, a “Route not found” message will be displayed in the app element.

Example Usage

Here’s an example that demonstrates the usage of edFramework:

const homeTemplate = `
  <h1>Welcome to the Home Page</h1>

const userComponent = `
  <p>User: {{name}}</p>

function handleHome() {
  // Handler logic for the home route

function handleClick() {
  // Event handler logic for click events

edFramework.addRoute('/home', 'homeTemplate', handleHome);
edFramework.addTemplate('homeTemplate', homeTemplate);
edFramework.addComponent('userComponent', userComponent);
edFramework.addHandler('click', handleClick);

In this example, we define a home template that includes a reference to the userComponent. The userComponent is defined separately as a component. We also define a handler for the home route and an event handler for click events.

When the framework is initialized, the homeTemplate will be rendered, and the userComponent will be inserted into the template. Any click events will trigger the handleClick function.


edFramework: Lightweight JS framework for efficient web app development. Routing, templates, components, addons. Build dynamic pages with ease.

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