1 год назад
WP Woo DB Cleaner
SQL скрипт очистки БД для WordPress + WooCommerce
Запуск и использование
$ mysql -u MySql_UserName -pMySql_Password MySql_Database -e "
SET @db_name='MySql_Database';
SET @steps='transients,crons,payments';
SOURCE wpdb-clean.sql;
Возможные значения для параметра
- transients : Clean all transients"
- crons : Clean all crons
- sessions : Clean all expired Woo sessions
- streams : Clean all WP stream and stream meta data
- orders : Clean all order items, orders, refunds, subscriptions and its meta data
- comments : Clean all comments and its meta data
- customers : Clean all Woo customers
- products : Clean all Woo products
- attributes : Clean all Woo product attributes
- categories : Clean all Woo product categories
- coupons : Clean all Woo coupons
- payments : Clean all Woo payment tokens data
- trash : Clean all posts and its meta data with trash status
- meta : Remove irrelevant (e.g. usermeta exists, but user deleted) metadata from all meta tables
- variations : Remove all product variations having non-existing parental product
- duplicates : Remove all post and user meta duplicates
- optimize : Perform optimizations over all tables in the DB
0 успешных
0 с ошибкой