
A disjoint set system is a data structure that allows you to administer a set of elements divided into disjoint subsets. Initially, there are several elements, each of which is in a separate (own) set. Two sets can be combined in one operation, and you can also request which set this element is in. The algorithmic complexity of both operations averages O(1)

Usage example:

use dsu::Dsu;

fn main() {
    let mut dsu = Dsu::new(10);
    dsu.union(1, 2);
    dsu.union(2, 3);
    dsu.union(2, 7);

    assert_eq!(dsu.lookup(2).unwrap(), dsu.lookup(7).unwrap());
    assert_eq!(dsu.lookup(1).unwrap(), dsu.lookup(3).unwrap());
    assert_ne!(dsu.lookup(1).unwrap(), dsu.lookup(8).unwrap());
    assert_eq!(dsu.lookup(9).unwrap(), 9);


dsu = {git = "", branch="main"}

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