This is Python variant of n-body-astro-solver. V. 0.09.

To copy this project to you computer type: git clone

cases/config.yaml - initial calculation conditions

Bodies numerations must start from 0.

To start pragramm type ./ in you linux shell or yours way in windows in this case will be loaded cases/config.yaml with init params

or type ./ –config=cases/your_config.yaml for other config variants

Results will writen into out_*** directory separate for each body in file body*.txt format: x1 y1 z1

timestep = 1 sec

Results visualization will writen in NBP.gif

The basic config file “cases/config.yaml” contains the coordinates and velocities of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Moon.


N body solver for astro calculation in Python

0 успешных
0 с ошибкой