Dirty words - filter.
A PHP class to filter out dirty, vulgar, obscene, profane words in russian or english texts.

Key features:

  • Find profanity (in Russian and English texts) and hide it with *** symbols.
  • Find profanity (in Russian texts) and replace it with normative vocabulary.

Some examples:

// Searches if there any abusive words in the text
Censure::is_bad('Original phrase with abusive words'); // return: bool

// Replace abusive words from string
Censure::replace('Original phrase with abusive words'); // return: string (cleaned text)

// Clean indexes in $_POST from abusive words
Censure::cleanPost('Unlimited number of arguments to match indexes in $_POST to clean'); // return: void

// Fixing abusive words inside string
Censure::fix('Original phrase with abusive words'); // return: string (fixed text)

A PHP class to filter out dirty, vulgar, obscene, profane words in russian or english texts.

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