6 месяцев назад История

ovpnctl — script to automate OpenVPN startup with TOTP 2FA support

It depends on pyotp and filelock modules - install them first.

Make sure you have the ~/config.ovpn file.

Make sure you have (for this sample) the ~/config.ovpn.pw (chmod it 0600) file of three lines:


Run as

python3 ~/.local/bin/ovpnctl.py \
	--management ~/config.ovpn.socket \
	--cleanup ~/config.ovpn.log \
	--cleanup ~/config.ovpn.ctl.log \
	--add 'inactive 600' \
	--add 'mute-replay-warnings' \
	--add 'persist-key' \
	--add 'persist-tun' \
	--add 'reneg-sec 0' \

It will end up with execution of sudo openvpn --config config.ovpn (plus few more options).

The script will evaluate config.ovpn and its environment for some grade of safety…

Another good place to have the socket in is /run/user/$(id -u)/

Read the ovpnctl.py file header for details.

The help page is also available:

jno:~/src/ovpnctl[master:1]$ ./ovpnctl.py --help
2024-05-30 11:24:47 INFO start
usage: ovpnctl.py [-h] [--upfile UPFILE] [--lock LOCK] [--log LOG] [--format FORMAT] [--ovpnlog OVPNLOG] [--management MANAGEMENT] [--add ADD] [--debug]
                  [--cleanup CLEANUP]

OpenVPN Controller

positional arguments:
  config                OpenVPN config file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --upfile UPFILE       OpenVPN up file, other than <config>.pw
  --lock LOCK           Lock file for this controller, other than <config>.lock
  --log LOG             Log file for this controller, other than <config>.ctl.log
  --format FORMAT       Log file format, other than '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s'
  --ovpnlog OVPNLOG     Log file for openvpn(8), other than <config>.log
  --management MANAGEMENT
                        Force using this socket to control OpenVPN
  --add ADD             Add more OpenVPN options
  --debug               Use DEBUG log level
  --cleanup CLEANUP     Remove these files on success
2024-05-30 11:24:47 INFO stop (0:00:00.003117 elapsed)



скрипт автоматизации запуска OpenVPN-клиента с поддержкой TOTP 2FA (для корпоративных шлюзов)

0 успешных
0 с ошибкой