
SailHub is an inoffical native GitHub app for Sailfish OS using GitHub GraphQL API (v4).

I made this app to familiarize myself with GraphQL API concepts. GitHub API is well documented and ideal for this purpose.

Current state of development

The development is in an early state at the moment.
Lot of functionality is missing.

Authentication with Personal Access Token

To authenticate with GitHub API a personal access token is necessary. You can create one in developer settings on GitHub profile settings page.

Dependencies (EMOJI)

This package depends on an emoji pack I released on OpenRepos using the emojis from Twitter Emoji project.

DBus Interface (not with Sailjail)

Add Star

You can implement an option to add a star to a GitHub repository via a DBus interface inside your own app. SailHub must be installed on the user device for this to work. You need to provide username of the owner and the repository name.


import Nemo.DBus 2.0

DBusInterface {
    id: sailHubInterface

    service: "org.nubecula.sailhub"
    iface: "org.nubecula.sailhub"
    path: "/"

Button {
	visible: sailHubInterface.Available
    text: "Give Star"
    onClicked:"addStar", ["black-sheep-dev", "harbour-sailhub"])


For an example you can take a look to the code of the SailHub AboutPage.qml

Implemented Features

  • Basic Markdown rendering using ShowdownJS
  • Very basic notifications (using GitHub APIv3 but I am not happy with it at the moment)
  • Link handler to open links to inside the app

Implemented CRUD Features

Function description: [C]reate, [R]read, [U]pdate, [D]elete, [S]earch

  • Assignee (Issue / Pull Request) [CRUD]
  • Comment (Issue / Pull Request) [CRUD]
  • Commits (Pull Requests) [R]
  • File content [R]
  • Gists [R]
  • Issue [CRUD] + close / reopen
  • Labels (Issue / Pull Request) [R]
  • Notification (Unreaded) [R]
  • Organization [RS]
  • Pull request [RU] + close / reopen
  • Reaction (Comment / Issue / Pull Request) [RU]
  • Releases [R]
  • Release Assets [R]
  • Repository [RS]
  • Repository files [R]
  • User [RS]
  • Discussions [CRUD]
  • Discussion Comments [CRUD]

Implemented Social Features

  • Follow / Unfollow user
  • Watch / Star repository
  • Commenting (Issue / Pull Requests)
  • Reactions (Comment / Issue / Pull Request)
  • Discussion (Comment / Reply ) on Repositories (when activated)
  • Sponsoring / Funding
  • Change user profile status
  • Subscription (Repository / Issue / Pull Request)
  • Add star via DBus call to use in own apps (not with Sailjail)

Administrative Features

  • Assign users to issues and pull requests

Planned Features

  • Code highlighting
  • Commits
  • Packages
  • Some useful cover action /content
  • Feature requests (any ideas are welcome!)


Available translations:

If you missing your native language you are welcome to support this project with your translation.


If you like to test the functionality you can use my dummy repository:



This projects uses the emoji from Twitter Emoji (twemoji) - Graphics licensed under CC-BY 4.0


If you like my work, you can buy me a beer!




Порт клиента Github с SailFish OS на Аврора ОС

0 успешных
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