PlatformIO + CH32V003 + SSD1306 (I2C OLED display 128x64) + two VL53L0X (I2C ToF) + servo + DC motor

    Never-stopping car.

    •  This on gitflic
    •  License: CC0 1.0 Universal (отказ от своих авторских прав и передача произведения в общественное достояние)
    // MCU:
    //            ========================
    //     MOTORF-[1 (PD6)    (PD4,PD5) 8]-  MOTORB, and to programmer SWIO
    //     GND   -[2 (VSS)  MCU   (PC4) 7]-  to SERVO
    //     XSHUT -[3 (PA2)  SOP8  (PC2) 6]-  to I2C SCL
    //     V3.3  -[4 (VDD)        (PC1) 5]-  to I2C SDA
    //            ========================
    //  where
    //      XSHUT: to XSHUT pin of TOF1 (forward) to control its disabling, while changing standard address of TOF1 (backward)
    //      SERVO: PWM (using TIM1 timer)
    //      MOTORF(Forward), MOTORB(Backward): to H-bridge forward/backward input (H-bridge forward/backward output -- to DC motor)


    Based on PlatformIO (VS Code)/CH32V platform 1.1.0/blinky-none-os example (same examples as in from = none-os, board = genericCH32V003J4M6.

    MCU: CH32V003 (CH32V003J4M6 SOP8) QingKe 32-bit RISC-V

    Programmer: WCH-LinkE that should be switched to RV mode by holding ModeS button during powering on (Way3). I did not need to reprogram it (MounRiverStudio not needed at all). Desire in future: to use Arduino board with sketch as programmer (similar to ArduinoISP sketch for programming AVR MCU like ATtiny85).

    Using I2C HAL and SSD1306 (OLED display 128x64) from ( and some parts taken from STM32

    Using two I2C VL53L0X ToF sensors, based on (rewritten from C++ to C). Second ToF sensor controlled using XSHUT pin, so it cane be send to standby, while first ToF sensor address can be changed (new address is forgotten on power off).

    Servo: PWM example from

    Other components

    • DC-DC boost converter 1.5 to 3.3V, max power ~300mW?, hence max current 100mA?)
    • H-bridge (DIP8) Can be controlled by single input pin (non-stop mode, only backward or forward)
    • H-bridge (SOP8)

    Additional tools

    • build and upload command:

      pio run -e genericCH32V003J4M6 -t upload
    • WCH ISP (working?):

      $HOME/.platformio/packages/tool-wchisp/wchisp info
    • Disassembler:

    • Recovery tool in case of chip SWIO pin is blocked (programmed for output) If you accidentally set SWIO pin for output, and cannot re-programn CH32V003 MCU anymore, use taken from


      If needed, install python and needed packages:

      sudo apt install -y python3 pip3; pip3 install pyusb pyserial hid -U

    TODO notes

    Conflicting delay functions

    - Delay_Ms(ms) is not working because of conflicts between:
        - Delay_Init() + Delay_Ms()    (from .platformio/packages/framework-wch-noneos-sdk/Debug/ch32v00x/debug.c)
        - HAL_Systick_Init() + HAL_delay_1ms()   (from systick_hal.c)

    Memory space optimization

    TODO: investigate if anything can be done.
    - Fonts: use only one small font (probably cape letters can be eliminated), ...
    - Optimization of space by converting some functions to macros, or making functions inline, did not helped (seems already inlined, check disassembling).
    - PROGMEM no big sense, because on CH32V003, 16K Flash. like on Arduino: PROGMEM attribute, F("strings"), ...
    - GPIO programing structures are not needed (check if not already optimized by compiler)

    How to build PlatformIO based project


    1. Install PlatformIO Core
    2. Download development platform with examples
    3. Extract ZIP archive
    4. Run these commands:
    # Change directory to example
    $ cd platform-ch32v/examples/blinky-none-os
    # Build project
    $ pio run
    # Upload firmware
    $ pio run --target upload
    # Upload firmware for the specific environment
    $ pio run -e genericCH32V003J4M6 --target upload
    # Clean build files
    $ pio run --target clean
    $ pio run --list-targets
    Environment          Group     Name                      Title                     Description
    genericCH32V003J4M6  Platform  check_flash_protection    Check Flash Protection
    genericCH32V003J4M6  Platform  disable_flash_protection  Disable Flash Protection
    genericCH32V003J4M6  Platform  disable_sdi_printf        Disable SDI Printf
    genericCH32V003J4M6  Platform  enable_flash_protection   Enable Flash Protection
    genericCH32V003J4M6  Platform  erase                     Erase Flash
    genericCH32V003J4M6  Platform  sdi_printf                Enable SDI Printf
    genericCH32V003J4M6  Platform  size                      Program Size              Calculate program size
    genericCH32V003J4M6  Platform  upload                    Upload
    pio run -e genericCH32V003J4M6 --target upload

    PlatformIO, CH32V003, oled 128x64, vl53l0x

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