
This plugin is useful for teams working on closed projects big enough to split code into packages, but not big enough to bother of full-functional repository (Satis or similar).

This Composer plugin adds “require-ext” command which makes using of private repositories and packages smoother.

Provided “require-ext” command works exactly the same way normal Composer “require” do, but it understands VCS URLs as well as package names and automatically adds them to repositories section of project’s composer.json


Add the plugin to your project by:

composer require guest-one/composer-require-ext --dev

Now you can just add a package by URL from repository which is not indexed by Packagist/Satis:

composer require-ext

Normally you must manually edit composer.json to achive the same effect.

Special options

–from-repo (-F)

Special option to specify exact package version and repository URL in one command:

composer require-ext guest-one/ --from-repo

–insecure (-K)

Allows using insecure (http) URL for repositores:

composer require-ext -K http://gitlab.localdomain/public/my-package.git

This option changes secure-http to false in project’s composer.json if you are requiring insecure URL.


Problem: Old Composer verson

Error message aftrer composer require guest-one/composer-require-ext

  - guest-one/composer-require-ext x.x.x requires composer-plugin-api ^2.0 -> no matching package found.

Update Composer to solve this issue:

 composer self-update

This Composer plugin adds "require-ext" command which makes using of private repositories and packages smoother.

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