Berimbau Stadium Chase

About the developer

Name: Victoria Sukhorukova

About the purpose of the app

Short discription

This website displays who are in the game’s server at present. When someone joins or leaves the server, the website renews the information about players on the server and sends a message about it to the public chat.

Detailed discription

This website was created specially for Trackmania’s servers, Berimbau ChaseTA and Berimbau ChaseCup. I added the oportunity to the controllers of these servers to send an information about someone’s joining and leaving. This information comes to this website to be shown. Trackmania supports tags for nicknames (Players can color their nicknames and add styles). The website replaces those trackmania’s tags with html-tags to show them correctly. The app also removes trackmania’s tags from nickname and send the result to the public chat.

Trackmania’s tags are put in front of the symbols which need color or style.
The tags supported by the website:

  • RGB code is put after sign $ to color next symbols (for example $A00)
  • $g - default color
  • $o - bold font
  • $i - italic font
  • $w - wide spacing
  • $n - narrow spacing
  • $m - normal spacing
  • $t - capital letters
  • $s - shaded symbols
  • $$ - a dollar sign
  • $z - reset all (stop all other codes)

About the tools used


Website Link

This website was hosted on a server.
The button to check how it works

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