
Gevent site parser


  1. Site parser for should parse main page and comments page - also includes allowed clicks option in order not to hammer the site with requests too much. Configuration script should be run once per 2 days - enough time for the domain to accumulate decent amount of items on each page
  2. Site is a tough domain - actually second this harsh in my practice after non-esitent now Monarch Flights site - after 10-15 concurrent attempts to connect the site - it will send the given IP in ban and for several hours showing 403 - so potential clicks on “More” button are limited to 3 + 1 for start page
  3. Main page of the seem to be the same as news page of the site mentioned so used it as well in a form of news?p=1 to speed the development
  4. Since from my end only allows 10-15 connections/requests at the same and very small period of time - proxy usage implemented ina script and a standard proxies IPs were used, if connection to is faster from your end and you have a better proxy in your disposal you can edit the config.ini file via ./codesamples-python3-gevent-site-parser/config/config.ini and change the value of clicksallowed from 3 to infinity, but also, please change proxylist to the list of better proxy servers in your disposal otherwise you may lost access to the site with 403 error
  5. During tests I safely changed clicksallowed value up to 10 with the proxylist mentioned in the file just limited it to 3 + 1 for starting page of each site section in order to be polite to the site community and not get 403 accidentally
  6. Configuration of the crawler get the list of the pages for each site section (main, comments) based on athing class on the very first page (last commentary in current minute) or page 1 (for main/news page) in single thread mode, because Greelets can not communicate like Goroutines (threads in Golang) do - this means I am unable to pass the values between Greenlets on the fly(like in Go) and unable to finish them based on the results of each of them (for example if we reach the anticipated end with one Greenlet - this is possible on Python too (or at least the same results), but require more time for development which we need to skip due to urgency of the interview. Plus the cofiguration is actual only once in 2 days (with that speed pages of the being updated - for example to me the pages of the still contain almost the same items as for yesterday (January 22nd 2021 vs January 23rd 2021) and the last page is within the same boundaries.
  7. Normal crawling for links is - according to the task description - is implemented using gevent module - and can display results on screen(all of them - huge amount) or to store them into json output


  8. Single thread config - can be fixed in the future require some time to re-implement
  9. Proxy module is used, but for better results Tor module should be used as this implementation provides better anonymity and random IPs for each request. Not implemented because it would include additional modules to deployment for at least sock5 support and Tor itself support and would require to restart Tor server each time on local machine where the script is going to run
  10. Requests with Sessions could also be used to avoid the issue with limiting concurrenct connections and to use ability to log into, which also may enable us to use more concurrent connections to the site in a given time period (registered users may have better access conditions to the site)
  11. Proxies with better connection speed may be used
  12. One (n * n) loop can be re-implemented to threads-style loop, which is currently not part of the task
  13. It is possible to make the Crawler a little more generic and scallable, however, at the moment you it seems possible to add new site sections to the config.ini, but for a single domain mentioned in the global section of the config.ini

    Possible modifications

  14. Multi-thread’ed config mode - need to invent/find a way to communicate between Gevent Greenlets
  15. (n * n) loop to multi threaded loop
  16. Proxy requests to Tor-styled requests
  17. Enable possibility for the Crawler to be scalable on a terms of how many pages/site it can crawl - all of those should be changed/added in config.ini

    Please kindly note that modifications were not initially mentioned in the task description (see below) and due to urgency of the interview were not implemented to safe time of development


  18. Pages - part of pagination “More” menu at the bottom of main page and comments page on
  19. Site sections - aforementioned main page and comments page on


    To demonstrate ability to work with Gevent and multithreading pn Python 3.x


  20. Python 3.x
  21. virtualenv gevent, lxml, requests, configparser, optparse and dependencies
  22. Linux OS - tested on Ubuntu 18.04
  23. to be in healthy state

    Installation instructions (approximate, not the last ones to follow):

  24. git clone this project
  25. sudo pip3 install virtualenv
  26. cd codesamples-python3-gevent-site-parser
  27. virtualenv codesamples-python3-gevent-site-parser
  28. source codesamples-python3-gevent-site-parser/bin/activate
  29. pip install gevent
  30. pip install lxml
  31. pip install requests
  32. pip install configparser
  33. [optional] pip install optparse
  34. [optiona] edit the config.ini, if needed, via ./codesamples-python3-gevent-site-parser/config/config.ini
  35. [optional] deactivate

    How to run?:

  36. python -h - will provide help information
  37. python -c - will configure parser in single thread mode
  38. python -r - will crawl the site in gevent/multithread mode
  39. there also additional options - only running alongside with the with the -r option:
  40. python -r -v - view the results on screen (huge list so increase output limits in your Linux shell/PUTTY)
  41. python -r -s - will store the results into ./codesamples-python3-gevent-site-parser/output/ separetelly for each site section
  42. options in points 4,5,6 can be combined as follows: python -r -v -s so the script will be able to both display the results and store them
  43. You also can use a BASH script included ./ to see some fucntions organized in a menu

    Task Description

    Write a webcrawler using python that crawls a single domain. For example, given the URL ‘’, it should crawl the main page and the comments, but not any external links. After finishing crawling the program it should print the links between pages.

The goal is to make the crawler work as fast as possible by using gevent.


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