Document Query Notation

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Structured CSS Selectors

Doqry represents CSS selectors as data structures rather than trying to parse selectors text.

Structured CSS selector is one of:

  • raw CSS selector text,
  • CSS selector part, or
  • an array consisting of strings, parts, and their combinators.

Raw CSS selector text is never interpreted and is used verbatim.

CSS combinator is one of: >, +, or ~.

CSS selector part is a structure representing selectors like element-name#id.class1.classN[attr1][attr2]:pseudo-class::pseudo-element. Each selector part is represented by corresponding property:

  • Element selector: { e: 'element-name' } for element-name.
  • Element selector in XML namespace: { ns: 'ns-prefix', e: 'element-name' } for ns-prefix | element-name.
  • Universal element selector: { e: '*' }, which is the same as {} for *.
  • Universal element selector in XML namespace: { ns: 'ns-prefix', e: '*' }, which is the same as { ns: 'ns-prefix' } for ns-prefix | *.
  • Element identifier: { i: 'element-id' } for #element-id.
  • Element class: { c: 'class-name' } for .class-name.
  • Multiple element classes: { c: ['class-1', 'class-2'] } for .class-1.class-2.
  • Attribute selector: { u: ['disabled'] } for [disabled], { u: ['lang', '|=', 'en'] } for [lang |= "en"].
  • Pseudo-element: { e: 'li', u: ['::', 'after'] } for li::after.
  • Pseudo-class: { u: [':', 'host', { c: 'active' }] } for :host(.active), { u: [':', 'is', [{ e: 'ul' }, '>', { e: 'li' }], [{ c: 'menu'}, { c: 'menu-item'}]] } for :is(ul > li, .menu > .menu-item)
  • Additional selectors: { e: 'a', s: '[href^=https://]:visited' } for a[href^=https://]:visited.
  • Raw CSS selector: { s: '.my-selector' } for .my-selector.

Selector part may combine multiple properties. Parts may be combined too. E.g. [{ e: 'ul', c: 'unstyled' }, '>', { e: 'li' }] corresponds to ul.unstyled > li CSS selector.


CSS selector may include qualifiers. Qualifiers do not correspond to CSS selectors directly. Instead, they are used internally to classify selectors. E.g. they may represent at-rule selectors.

Qualifiers represented by $ property of structured CSS selector part, that may contain either one qualifier, or an array of qualifiers: { c: 'sr-only', $: '@media=screen' }.

Each qualifier is a string in the <name>[=<value>] format, where the <name> may be qualified and consist of multiple colon-separated parts like block:visibility:hidden.

The presence of q1:q2:q3=v qualifier means the same as presence of q1, q1:q2, q1:q2:q3, and q1:q2:q3=v qualifiers.


The following operations over structure CSS selectors supported:

  • doqryDisplayText(selector) - Converts selector to textual representation including qualifiers.
  • doqryEqual(first, second) - Checks whether the first selector equals to the second one.
  • doqryPicker(selector) - Normalizes selector representation and converts it to CSS picker.
  • doqryText(selector, format?) - Converts selector to textual representation in the given format. By default, converts to representation that can be used in CSS (i.e. without qualifiers).

Document query notation for CSS selectors

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