DOM Primitives
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An assorted set of basic DOM-related. See the API documentation.
DOM Node Types
These function check whether the target DOM node is of corresponding type:
- isElementNode
- isAttributeNode
- isTextNode
- isCDATASectionNode
- isProcessingInstructionNode
- isCommentNode
- isDocumentNode
- isDocumentTypeNode
- isDocumentFragmentNode
- isShadowRootNode
DOM Inspection
nodeDocument - Returns a document of the given DOM node.
nodeHost - Finds a host element of the given DOM node. I.e. an enclosing element.
Crosses shadow DOM bounds.
nodeWindow - Returns an owner window of the given DOM node.
DOM Manipulation
- importNode - Imports DOM node from one document to another.
- importNodeContent - Imports DOM node contents from one document to another.
- removeNodeContent - Removes all child nodes from the given one.