
    Levsha is a fast HTML template engine and eDSL for Scala 2.12, 2.13 and Scala 3. Optimized templates works without additional memory allocation. Levsha supports changeset inference, which allows to use it as virtual-dom-like middleware.

    Static rendering

    You can use Levsha as a static HTML renderer.

    // build.sbt
    libraryDependencies += "com.github.fomkin" %% "levsha-core" % "1.2.0"
    // In your code
    import levsha.text.renderHtml
    import levsha.dsl._
    import html._
    val features = Seq("Very fast", "Memory-effective")
    val html = renderHtml {
      optimize {
            clazz := "title",
            backgroundColor @= "red", 
            "Hello, I'm Levsha!"
          ul(clazz := "list",
            features map { feature =>
              li(class := "item", feature)
      <div style="background-color: red" class="title">Hello, I'm Levsha!</div>
      <ul class="list">
        <li class="item">Very fast</li>
        <li class="item">Memory-effective</li>


    Benchmarks show that Levsha is really fast. Unlike Twirl, Levsha’s performance does not depend on template complexity.

    Test Engine Ops/s
    simpleHtml levsha 1336693,499
    simpleHtml scalatags 533740,566
    simpleHtml twirl 5950436,854
    withConditionAndLoop levsha 1299646,768
    withConditionAndLoop scalatags 531345,430
    withConditionAndLoop twirl 239537,158
    withVariables levsha 1140298,804
    withVariables scalatags 483508,457
    withVariables twirl 2146419,329

    In your sbt shell.

    bench/jmh:run .StaticRenderingComparision

    As a virtual DOM

    Levsha can be used as virtual-DOM-like middleware. Unlike other popular virtual DOM solutions, Levsha doesn’t allocate additional memory for construction of a new virtual DOM copy. Also it does not allocate memory in changes inferring phase. Levsha’s memory usage is constant.

    // build.sbt
    libraryDependencies += "com.github.fomkin" %%% "levsha-dom" % "1.2.0"
    // In your code
    import org.scalajs.dom._
    import levsha.dom.render
    import levsha.dom.event
    import levsha.dsl._
    import html._
    case class Todo(id: String, text: String, done: Boolean)
    def onSubmitClick() = {
      val input = document
      val inputText = input.value
      // Reset input
      input.value = ""
      val newTodo = Todo(
        id = Random.alphanumeric.take(5).mkString,
        text = inputText,
        done = false
      renderTodos(todos :+ newTodo)
    def onTodoClick(todo: Todo) = {
          todo.copy(done = !todo.done)
    def renderTodos(todos: Seq[Todo]): Unit = render(document.body) {
      optimize {
          div(clazz := "title", "Todos"),
          ul(clazz := "list",
            todos map { todo =>
                todo match {
                  case Todo(_, text, true) => strike(text)
                  case Todo(_, text, false) => span(text)
          input(id := "todo-input", placeholder := "New ToDo"),
          button("Submit", event("click")(onSubmitClick()))
    val todos = Seq(
      Todo("1", "Start use Levsha", done = false),
      Todo("2", "Lean back and have rest", done = false)

    Memory allocation model explanation

    As noted below Levsha does not make additional memory allocations if template optimized. It is possible because optimized template, in compile-time rewrites into calls of RenderContext methods (unlike other template engines which represent their templates as AST on-heap).

    For example,

    optimize {
      div(clazz := "content", 
        h1("Hello world"),
        p("Lorem ipsum dolor")

    Will be rewritten to

    Node { renderContext =>
      renderContext.openNode(XmlNs.html, "div")
      renderContext.setAttr(XmlNs.html, "class", "content")
      renderContext.openNode(XmlNs.html, "h1")
      renderContext.addTextNode("Hello world")
      renderContext.openNode(XmlNs.html, "p")
      renderContext.addTextNode("Lorem ipsum dolor")

    In turn, RenderContext (namely DiffRenderContext implementation) saves instructions in ByteBuffer to infer changes in the future.

    Of course, Levsha optimizer does not cover all cases. When optimization can’t be performed Levsha just applies current RenderContext to the unoptimized node.

    optimize {
        Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).collect { 
          case x if x % 2 == 0 => li(x.toString)
    // ==>
    Node { renderContext =>
      renderContext.openNode(XmlNs.html, "ul")
      Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
        .collect {
          case x if x % 2 == 0 => 
            Node { renderContext =>
              renderContext.openNode(XmlNs.html, "li")
        .foreach { childNode =>

    When you write your Levsha templates, keep in your mind this list of optimizations:

    1. Nodes and attrs in branches of if expression will be moved to current RenderContext
    2. Same for cases of pattern matching
    3. => div(x)) will be rewritten into a while loop
    4. => div(x)) will be rewritten into an if expression
    5. void will be removed

    The third item of this list shows us how to rewrite previous example so that optimization could be performed.

    optimize {
        Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
          .filter(x => x % 2 == 0)
          .map { x => li(x.toString) }
    // ==>
    Node { renderContext =>
      renderContext.openNode(XmlNs.html, "div")
      val iterator = Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
        .filter(x => x % 2 == 0)
      while (iterator.hasNext) {
        val x =
        renderContext.openNode(XmlNs.html, "li")

    Optimizer options

    You can pass this options to SBT.

    $ sbt -Doption=value
    Option Description Possible values Default
    levsha.optimizer.logUnableToOptimize Write positions of unoptimized parts of code to a file. true/false or file name false
    levsha.optimizer.unableToSort.forceOptimization If tag node content couldn’t be sorted in compile time, optimizer will keep the code unoptimized (so content will be sorted in runtime). You can force optimizer to ignore unspecified Documents (that couldn’t be sorted) and optimize anyway, but keep in mind that node content should be ordered (styles, attrs, nodes). true/false false
    levsha.optimizer.unableToSort.warnings Warns that optimizer can’t sort tag content when optimization is forced. true/false true

    Worthy to note

    1. The Tale of Cross-eyed Lefty from Tula and the Steel Flea

    Fast Scala eDSL for HTML

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