Utility runs conversion via ffmpeg utility set (installed separately) with progress tracking and crash recovery.
FFmpegRR allows you to save your progress while converting and continue the process after a stop, crash, etc. from the last saved point. The utility works with conversions as “Tasks”. User adds “tasks”, the utility executes them sequentially. At any moment the work can be interrupted. A subsequent run will continue to execute the tasks from the last saved point.
Supported OS: Linux, Windows, MacOS.
To build the utility you will need a compiler with C++17 support and the cmake build system.
Download the code from github or gitflic: run the command in your home directory:
git clone https://github.com/evgenykislov/ffmpeg-restorer.git -b main
Build ffmpegrr:
cd ffmpeg-restorer
cmake -B build
cmake –build build
How to use:
FFmpegRR is command line utility and runs like:
ffmpegrr command arguments
Running the utility without arguments will continue executing tasks.
add – adds a new job. The arguments are parameters for the ffmpeg conversion utility.
flush – clears intermediate files of completed tasks. The utility does not delete intermediate files automatically, allowing the user to check the result and rerun the conversion
help – displays help about the utility
removeall – removes all tasks (both completed and incomplete) and their intermediate files. Note: conversion results (output files) are not deleted.
For example:
Execute added tasks
ffmpegrr add -i input.mp4 -vf “scale=iw/2:ih/2” output.mp4
Add task to reduces video resolution by half on each side
More information: https://apoheliy.com/ffmpegrr