5 месяцев назад История


An async Rust library for working with the Telegram Bot API.

This project is not yet complete but provides most of the core experience.

It makes no assumptions about how you are using the API and only provides types and wrappers around the Bot API.

It defines a common trait, TelegramRequest that all requests implement. This trait supports dynamic endpoints, arbitrary values (as long as they can be serialized into JSON with serde), and file uploads (including multiple files).


use tgbotapi::{Telegram, requests::{ChatID, GetUpdates, SendMessage}};

// Create a new Telegram instance
let telegram = Telegram::new("api_token".into());

// Create a request to get updates with long-polling enabled
let mut get_updates = GetUpdates {
    timeout: Some(30),

// Loop forever getting new updates
loop {
    // Ask Telegram for new updates
    for update in telegram.make_request(&get_updates).await? {
        // Increment the offset to tell Telegram we processed the update
        get_updates.offset = Some(update.update_id + 1);

        // Ignore all non-message updates
        let message = match update.message {
            Some(message) => message,
            _ => continue,

        // Create a request to send a message
        let send_message = SendMessage {
            chat_id: message.chat_id(),
            text: "Hello, world!".into(),

        // Send the message

For higher-performance bots you should use webhooks.

use tgbotapi::Update;

// Get the body of the request from your web handler
let body = get_request_body!();
let update: Update = serde_json::from_slice(&body)?;

// Now we can do something with the update

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