
    A tool for interacting with Procfiles.


    Install it using the “go get” command:

    go get

    What is a Procfile

    See for more details on the general format.


    All commands take a -P or --procfile flag to specify an alternative Procfile path. If not specified, procfile-util will attempt to read the Procfile from the current directory.


    check that the specified procfile is valid

    procfile-util check


    delete a process type from a procfile

    This command does not retain comments or extra newline characters. Specifying both the write-path and stdout flags will result in an error.

    # delete the web process and write the file
    procfile-util delete --process web
    # delete the web process and write output to other.Procfile
    procfile-util delete --process web --write-path other.Procfile
    # delete the web process and write output to stdout
    procfile-util delete --process web --stdout


    check if a process type exists

    # returns 0 if the web process type exists
    procfile-util exists -p web
    # returns 1 if the non-existent process type does not exist
    procfile-util exists -p non-existent


    expands a procfile against a specific environment

    # expand variables with no implicit env vars
    # will result in empty string for variable replacements
    procfile-util expand
    # specify a default-port to use (default: 5000)
    procfile-util expand --default-port 3000
    # expand variables with getenv used for variable expansion
    # may use any variable available when executing procfile-util
    procfile-util expand --allow-getenv
    # expand variables with a parsed .env file used for variable expansion
    procfile-util expand --env-file .env
    # combines getenv and .env file parsing to provide variable expansion
    procfile-util expand --allow-getenv --env-file .env
    # specify the default-port when performing variable expansion
    procfile-util expand --allow-getenv --env-file .env --default-port 3000


    export the application to another process management format

    Due to argument parsing limitations, the --location flag is currently required.

    In addition, not all formats support all arguments, and not all arguments have examples below.

    # export systemd init files to the `tmp` directory
    # support formats include: [launchd, runit, systemd, systemd-user, sysv, upstart]
    # the default format is: systemd
    procfile-util export --format systemd --location tmp
    # override the app name
    procfile-util export --location tmp --app node-js-app
    # set the group and user used to launch processes
    procfile-util export --location tmp --group root --user root
    # set a working directory path for the process
    procfile-util export --location tmp --working-directory /root


    list all process types in a procfile

    procfile-util list


    set the command for a process type in a procfile

    This command does not retain comments or extra newline characters. Specifying both the write-path and stdout flags will result in an error.

    # set the web process and write the file
    procfile-util set --process web --command "python -p $PORT"
    # set the web process and write output to other.Procfile
    procfile-util set --process web --command "python -p $PORT" --write-path other.Procfile
    # set the web process and write output to stdout
    procfile-util set --process web --command "python -p $PORT" --stdout


    show the command for a specific process type

    # shows the command for the web process
    procfile-util show -p web
    # shows the command for the web process
    # specify a default-port to use (default: 5000)
    procfile-util show -p web --default-port 3000
    # shows the command for the web process
    # expand variables with getenv used for variable expansion
    # may use any variable available when executing procfile-util
    procfile-util show -p web --allow-getenv
    # shows the command for the web process
    # expand variables with a parsed .env file used for variable expansion
    procfile-util show -p web --env-file .env
    # shows the command for the web process
    # combines getenv and .env file parsing to provide variable expansion
    procfile-util show -p web --allow-getenv --env-file .env
    # shows the command for the web process
    # specify the default-port when performing variable expansion
    procfile-util show web --allow-getenv --env-file .env --default-port 3000

    A tool for interacting with Procfiles

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