Math Library

Version of the standard math.h library in the C programming language

Overview of some “math.h” functions

No. Function Description
1 int abs(int x) computes absolute value of an integer value
2 long double acos(double x) computes arc cosine
3 long double asin(double x) computes arc sine
4 long double atan(double x) computes arc tangent
5 long double ceil(double x) returns the nearest integer not less than the given value
6 long double cos(double x) computes cosine
7 long double exp(double x) returns e raised to the given power
8 long double fabs(double x) computes absolute value of a floating-point value
9 long double floor(double x) returns the nearest integer not greater than the given value
10 long double fmod(double x, double y) remainder of the floating-point division operation
11 long double log(double x) computes natural logarithm
12 long double pow(double base, double exp) raises a number to the given power
13 long double sin(double x) computes sine
14 long double sqrt(double x) computes square root
15 long double tan(double x) computes tangent


  • The total verifiable accuracy is 16 significant digits
  • Full coverage of library functions code with unit-tests with the Check library
  • Unit tests cover 100% of each function (checked using gcov)
  • Makefile for building the library and tests (with the targets all, clean, test, s21_math.a, gcov_report)
  • The gcov_report target generates a gcov report in the form of an html page. Unit tests run with gcov flags to do this
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