D2D.Platform development team


- DateTime format

dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS example: 29.10.2024 03:31:12.111

- Liquibase ChangeSet formats

  • ID: ddMMyy.HHmm Based on current date time. 240924.0031 means 24.09.2024 00:31

  • Comment: "some comment" Use strings. some_comment - is bad.

  - changeSet:
    id: 130824.0218
    author: 3gork4z4ncev
    comment: "profile table creation"
        - someChange:

- ForeignKey namings

Format: fk_source_target : For example, we have tables user and profile. If we want to declare FK in profile which refers to user PK. We should name it like fk_profile_user, this pronounced like: foreign key in profile referenced to user.

- Port namings for microservices

  • Only four digits
  • Starts with 8 - stands for Spring/Tomcat/Netty
  • Then 2 - stands for d2d-platform
  • At last translate service name to leet (1337) and paste first two translated digits

For example : auth_service port becomes 8247. auth = 4u7h

- Database namings

Just use the same name as you use for application without any prefix : For application user_service use database with name user_serivce

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