CXBOX Schema

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    CXBOX - Rapid Enterprise Level Application Development Platform



    CXBOX main purpose is to speed up development of typical Enterprise Level Application based on Spring Boot. A fixed contract with a user interface called Cxbox-UI allows backend developer to create typical interfaces providing just Json meta files. Full set of typical Enterprise Level UI components included - widgets, fields, layouts (views), navigation (screens).

    Using CXBOX

    • download Intellij Plugin adds platform specific autocomplete, inspection, navigation and code generation features.
    • download Demo and follow instructions. Feel free to use demo as template project to start your own projects

    Cxbox Schema

    This package includes schemas shared by Cxbox and Cxbox-UI in form of Typescript types, their corresponding JSON schemas and utilities to extend built-in types and rebuild the schemas.

    Built in @cxbox-ui/core package

    Generate schemas

    [!IMPORTANT] Coming soon

    Extending schemas for your project

    [!IMPORTANT] Coming soon


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